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jez NF

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Everything posted by jez NF

  1. My addition....Better? any these are the best of my baby
  2. ^^ funny looking 33 and as per rules.....
  3. Night fury is still going strong.....just that I have no time / spare cash to put into projects right now. Took this last week.
  4. Good progress...keep at it
  5. Big thank you to my sister for this present......fits quite well right there and adds character to the car in a unique way. NIGHTFURY P.S. It is sooooo hard resisting the constant urge to spend a big chunk of the house savings on the car....seriously - massive effort right here !!!!! So many good deals keep popping up...I have so many plans....I miss working on the car etc. Stay tuned though....another four five months and I will be back with many many many many plans and projects.
  6. Completed.....previous pic is without the front grill
  7. Was bored and miss working on the car so sketched it instead
  8. HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone !! Similar to the latter stages of 2014 this year too is going to be pretty low key for Night Fury as I am busy saving up for a new house. Plan to keep it simple and do a few things here and there but nothing major. Famous last words however - HAHA Picked up a set of stockies from Amir and I owe him a big box of favourites which I had forgotten to take with me when picking them up. Hopefully I will catch up with him on the 22nd of this month when I go to watch him tear up the track. Thank you Amir Giving them a good clean up.
  9. One funky sunset and suddenly my potato wants to become a camera ! Still a potato Also gave the headlights a good clean up since it has been ages since they were done... This is a close up to show how it has yellowed and lost clarity Slowly getting a lot better....
  10. Yes....it has been a couple of days and is dry to the touch and wont smear when I rub it so will give it another day and then try a dab with a sponge and / or hose idea.
  11. Picked up a spare set of these to have a little play with replacing the amber with a clear lens....will see how we go. Thanks to...umm...what was his name now...oh yes Anthony !! Tinted indicators fitted The seat is looking real nice.....will do two more coats to seal in the colour and ensure it has a nice smooth finish Really impressed with how easy it is to do and it turned out not as patchy as I thought it was going to be.....HOWEVER the decisive bit is going to be if the colour runs....which we shall soon find out
  12. Also (since I forgot earlier) shout out to Joel for being an absolute gem of a mate and remembering that I wanted tinted indicators and selling me his. Beats my DIY tinted ones any day. Though in all fairness to myself I was trying to tint amber lens..haha. Pictures tomorrow !!
  13. Looking good...these mirrors are a defining factor....makes me love mine even more every time I look at it.
  14. It is the powder stuff that I dissolved with hot water and salt and then used that spray bottle to layer fine layers of mist on so that it would spread evenly and dry quicker
  15. Its supposedly waterproof once dry...but we shall find out
  16. Fabric dye...not paint....paint turns hard
  17. Also freshened up the plastic bits
  18. After a bit of internet research over the last few days, I decided to just YOLO (you only live once - I did not know what it meant either initially..hahaa) and this happened........... P.S. If I end up with a black back and bum don't try this at home !! Everyone knows what stock seats with factory material that looked good 18 odd years ago looks like nowadays. So there is going to be no picture for that..... (insert picture of faded GTR seat) This is after the first light coat... This is after I turned up the heat and went with another two coats.... Getting my black on.... It is bound to dry patchy for the first few coats...so I am not too worried...but hopefully after a few thousand coats it will be nice and even !! P.S. It is drying up quite nicely actually as I type this and has begun to look pretty good YAY !! NOW TO SEE IF IT RUNS WITH SWEAT !!
  19. Good on ya K dawgie dawg dawg.....all the best with this....I recommend you call it project polar bear !! Hahaa...yeah I am serious !
  20. I would like to buy an R32 GTR passenger seat. Any condition as long as it is structurally intact. Rips / tears / stains are OK - have seat covers. Thanks Jez
  21. Thanks for all the support guys......makes it all worthwhile. This is a recent photatoe I took that actually came out nicer then expected In other news I have started researching fabric dye.
  22. Coffee table project is well on its way too Degreasing Lick of paint Shinyyyyyy
  23. Leather seat cover ready to go on.....
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