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jez NF

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Everything posted by jez NF

  1. Night fury with the new bodykit.....
  2. hey man.... COUNT ME IN IF UR "ANOTHER" BECOMES "ANOTHER TWO" also Jonno is a friend of mine...so im sure we cud get together to do both cars etc.
  3. Well Lancelin and just out makes a nice run.......having said tat..iv done the whole marg river, albany, dunsbro, cape loop in a day...895 kms !! not saying we have to do that...but im up for a lunch day out anytime too... SO if anyone wants to organize something...count me and ^^^^ in.
  4. first up......I think they will look real nice in black im not very good at painting myself....but for the record....I have painted my dash...my boot....my engine bay....n one thing I can say is sanding is CRUCIAL..n makes ALL the difference !!
  5. interested
  6. I can see you out of the CONNOR of my eye !!

  7. trust me...keeping my rims brake dust free is a pain in the a@# !! specially the fronts BUT its worth it in the end Oh n I reckon..it makes the car look way cleaner overall !!!
  8. Black R34 GTT turning off Joondalup drive.....into Shenton Av....bout 5 pm - ish.....very clean.....sounded good Saw it out of the corner of my eye..so didnt get a chance to see anything in detail
  9. If u ever decide to sell your wheels man, please let me know Hahaahaaa...yeah sure... Yet to find something decent / perfect as a replacement before I get to that stage though....the search continues...
  10. I would....but im gettin a new front lip....and sideskirts (which i still need to find to match - any ideas??) So yeah....I only JUST clear my driveway kerb (by like a cm if that)...n im not running coilovers coz this is my daily ride But I know it would look awesome lowered. Ah well Thanks anyway
  11. These were with my old bridgestones........now have Sumitomo z 111's....inexpensive and excellent performance in my opinion. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK???? Do I need to do anything to improve the look??? or do you think its good? (I have days when I love them...and days when im not so sure)
  12. feel like an idiot....because i saw the two bolts protruding from the side of the pillars when I took off the boot lining etc....the strut brace I bought was a front one (how stupid of me)...the guy I bought it from thought it was a rear one...and since I didnt open the boot up BEFORE buying it...I thought it would fit.....so was just confused with how the bolts were SOOO wide apart on the strut but SOOOO narrow on the car.... So I was on the right track...and it would be shit simple to fit....bloody strut confused me... Thanks for your reply anyway Should all be sorted by tmrw anyway... OH N I STILL WANT A REAR STRUT if anyone has one for sale Cheers
  13. Hey people..... I just bought a rear strut brace and need help fitting it. I have a r33 gtst s2...... Have tried searching for DIYs etc but cant find anything decent..... Anyone in WA interested in helping me?? Let me know....thanks in advance.... Cheers Jeremy
  14. you and your dad are awesome man...thanks so much for changing my dash lights for me :)

  15. hahhaa....what the hell r u smokin man !! (give me some ) hahahaha...hey..lemme kno when ur degreasing / painting
  16. My new custom front lip......what side skirts do you guys n gals think wud go well with it?? If you suggest something also add where I can get them from if you know Cheers and thanks in advance
  17. Hey man... Interested in the side skirts....will they fit an R33 Gtst s2 ?? Will you post to Perth ?? Cheers Jeremy
  18. thanks for the heads up Craig....il see you soon for sure...next cruise is up your way...promise
  19. Just messaged you And Steve your most welcome....see you there
  20. RIght....confirmed numbers as of now: Keaton - R33 GTST - phone number received - cruise details sent Keatons friend - R33 GTST - plz pass on the details Keaton...n send me his number when you can Kevin - 180 sx - phone number received - cruise details sent Brendan - R34 GT-T - phone number received - cruise details sent Clayton - R32 GTR - phone number received - cruise details sent Richard - R33 GTR - phone number received - cruise details sent Garth - R33 GTST - number?? me - R33 GTST Awaiting confirmation: Craig - R34 GTR
  21. OK EVERYONE PLZ PM ME YOUR NUMBERS......il msg you the final details. We meet at 9am sharp and leave by 9:30am or so. Should be a three-four hour drive in total (in case you need to estimate fuel etc)....i recommend filling her up and we can take it from there. No BP stations..only some GULL ones so the more gas you have the better just to be safe. I have Brendans, Keatons and Kevins numbers already....... Looking forward to this one.....should be fun Jeremy
  22. PM sent...
  23. Right....im waiting to get more responses and will get everyones numbers and msg you details directly...hope that suits?? As of now we have 3 R33 GTSTs including mine 1 R34 GT-T 1 R32 GTR 1 more R33 GTST (Garth) oh n 1 R33 GTR (if Richard can make it) last minute addition 1 180 sx (Kevin)
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