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jez NF

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Everything posted by jez NF

  1. Started a headlight restoration project this morning.... Before: Aging, foggy, scratched and yellow Other side headlight but you get the idea.... After: Fresh, clear, bright, no scratches and shiny
  2. I found that the car cover that I was using was leaving very fine scratches on the paintwork as it was blown about in the breeze so I decided to get mom to help me fabricate a flannel "inside" cover that would protect the paintwork. Took a fair bit of effort as we had to join numerous bits together to cover the whole car. Big thank you to my mommy Next step is to run elastic around the bottom edges and hem it up.... And also attach velcro straps that will go around the rims.
  3. So I got bored of my sticker bomb sunshades....... And decided to dye them simply black instead...... should be nice and dry by tomorrow and I will take a picture with the masking tape off.......
  4. All the cats are scared of being killed obviously.....by curiosity !! So I will spill the beans.....or cat food......................... The package contained a carbon fibre drift lip spoiler. I have decided that the big wing is going to attract a lot of unwanted attention so I will reserve it for the odd outing now and then. Will be getting a bootlid off Bronno soon (thanks mate in advance) and will mount this new spoiler onto that and keep that as my daily option for a while. Also lining up my next project - Ass Aim: To be wider and more aggressive. Will involve: Running bolt on spacers and more camber and flaring of the rear arches.
  5. Santa decided to visit earlier than scheduled.....
  6. How did you achieve that little flare you have going mate...looks wicked
  7. Have you heard back Longz? Also is there any chance of adding a carbon fibre drift lip spoiler to the other group buy - or is it way too late?
  8. Yeah I am not sure I am completely sold on it yet....but there are times I absolutely love it. Rims have an original offset of 35.....fronts are now with a 15mm bolt on spacer.....rears have a 5mm slip on hub-centric spacer (soon to have a bolt on 15mm when I get a chance to flare the lip a tad). Different view....
  9. Yeah I know....I was positively pooping my pants driving back home.....border line now with what I want with the car........I want it to look awesome......but I want to keep it registered too. Earlier....before getting the wing fitted......
  10. Cheers Bronson.....thank you for your kind words. Winging it...........................................
  11. Hi Longz, Could you please PM (and / or post) a picture of these for me if possible. GTR Style Frp,Suede Leather +Plain Cloth $650 GTR Style carbon,Suede Leather +Plain Cloth $650.00 Also is it possible to do any of the brides in black leather / suede. Thanks mate Jeremy
  12. Correct....good spot...Excess filler around the base of the stem.....if you look carefully there is a huge gap between the two uprights (on both sides - basically around the light) as well that needs filling and sealing....issues that are currently being worked on. Bit like cosmetic surgery really...I should name my wing Jacksons nose !!!....(RIP). It was still work in progress at this stage....so just progress pictures really. Will put up completed pictures asap.
  13. Finally after a long wait and ages of tinkering around with getting it perfect.....we have the "son of a peach" in primer and ready to go........excitement overload !! and..... and........... and.......................... and..............................................
  14. Great stuff....your pretty handy with the camera ey !!
  15. Hahaaa...yeah Brodie....will work on that hurdle when I get to it....but it looks real nice so knowing me that will be my next project. Picture of how the spacers on the fronts look now........ Spent this evening down at the workshop getting the wing project moving...taking forever !! BUT PROGRESS IS BEING MADE................ Ensuring that it is well reinforced and that the light still works so after a few teething issues it is now well on track....
  16. Small update: Painted the spacers on the front the same colour as the hub to "disguise" them as far as possible. On another note....how hard is it to flare the lip / edge of the rear arch?? Something like this.....
  17. Shell arrived this arvo. Jap news anyone? Hahaa Going to get the chassis first and then work on painting the shell etc.
  18. and yes I know this was ages ago...
  19. BTW...what happened in the end.....did you end up doing anything?? (Entertaining read - gives you an insight into what is clearly such a diverse world of VERY interesting people)
  20. Wing fabrication is well on its way....stay tuned ! Latest project - creating an RC drift replica of Night Fury Shell is in the mail.....
  21. Had the new sway bars installed this morning. Rocked up first thing and parked amongst some interesting company...... Up up and away..... Wish I had one of these bad boys at home (hoist)....would make life SO much easier Out with the old.............. In with the new...... Back on solid ground and ready for a test run..... Verdict: Freaking awesome !! Massive difference !! Virtually no body roll and much tighter lines through twisties. Hard on the rear and medium on the fronts is the right combination in my opinion. Glad I went with medium on the front because I can feel the slightest bit of "stiffness / harder to turn in" compared to before. I reckon the hard setting would be too much.
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