Very very productive day so far.
Woke up bright and early with the sun streaming in. Just knew it was going to be a warm one. Polished up my new Ganadors and proceeded to install them (you know your obsessed when you start car stuff before brushing your teeth!!)
First step: remove door trims...
Passenger side: Three screws down at the bottom of the door panel. One screw inside the little plastic pocket thing and one screw underneath the passenger side handle / arm rest.
Drivers side: Three screws down at the bottom of the door panel. One screw under the switch plastic panel.
Both sides door release plastic surrounds need to be pried off.
Then remove plastic triangle to reveal three bolts holding mirror in place. Remove and unplug mirror. Plug Ganadors in, secure wire and put it all back together. Did not get a picture of the mirrors...but will post some when I do the photoshoot (sometime soon)
Then started fabrication work / planning for the GT wing project.