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  1. Basically i bought the car with a SUB and AMP in the boot, i took out the Sub for more room and im not into having fully sick bass, but left the amp because it look to complicated to remove as the system runs thought this or something. The amp has stopped working no light to indicate its on and i tried switching fuses no luck, so i took the amp out. Im left with a bunch of wires in my boot and no sound now, what needs to be done so i can just run its orginal set-up no sub or amp. Got no idea about audio or wires at all.
  2. My hope is they are mostly in the city dealing with drunken night clubers. But who knows how big this operaton spans.
  3. As the title says i feel like driving tonight, nothing boy racer like just a steady paced cruise through the natio park, worried if i set-out tonight ill end up having to deal with popo's trying to defect me, my only worries are dark tint.
  4. Sorry they are made in Taiwan (like that makes it any better somehow), according to china taiwan is part of china and since im a chinese nationalist that supports the one-china policy Kinugawa is hence a chinese turbo, So please refrain from your insults Artz. Inb4 political debate. Furthermore there has been a thread about these turbo's on SAU somewhere, where a vendor selling these turbo's has even expressed concerns about sloppy quality control. Classic issue with parts come out of that region, the japanese got quality control down a decade ago China and taiwan are still learning and catching up.
  5. Its a bit of a gamble, for example the kinugawa china ebay turbo are cheap as and i have seen them been used in some top end builds, heaps of people will swear by them. But at the same time the other side are talking about how they have had issues with them less then 1000km's later. Maybe its because japanese companies etc have stricter quality control less defective products make it out on to the markets and in the hands of the unsuspecting. So in a way you could get away with a Chinese product but in a batch of 1000 products the japanese are always going to have a better sigma rating (number of detective free products). Pretty sure they are made in Taiwan, you should get away with them.
  6. After work i was heading out to the car park, to go home i found a workmate bludging outside who has been keen to see my new ride, but our schedules always clash. Walk into the carpark i point out my Evo 5 20 meters or so at the back of the carpark and he starts to freak out on me for a good 10 seconds, some people in the carpark start staring at us, his yelling about how awesome the big spoiler is, we get closer to my car and i start pointing out the brembo's, recaro's trying to explain that it all comes stock with the car. Luckily the guy calmed down, and i promised to give him a ride one day. His one of those people that get really loud when they are excited i have a good laugh at it. I catch people looking at it in traffic, its one of those cars you cant really ignore its got to many things going on.
  7. There is a limit to how much china crap you should have, as long as you have a some jap crap, your skyline should be fine.
  8. Those who buy quality parts they do it once and they do it right. Buying chinese turbo's, exhaust manifold, rims etc. Your setting yourself up for a headache. However if its nothing to expensive or Crucial like light bulbs, gear knobs etc then whatever those are easily disposable and cheap. But cheaping out on performance and safety it comes back to bite you.
  9. People who stick gtr badges are the same ones using cheap china crap on there ride. They are in it for the wank factor, and the hope someone who knows nothing about cars but reconises GTR associated with a fast car to think what they are driving is something special. Same thing with lancer evolutions, you have a mint cp9a evolution and some chump with a body kit that cost the price of your front lip with ralliart stickers, went through all the trouble to try and make people think his poorly executed lancer is a rally based street car.
  10. Feature length lots of drifting and skylines.
  11. Better off selling an buying a manual, and while your at it a different car all together . I owned exactly what you have now a heavy, NA, automatic R34 and yes i thought about manual conversion a lot. Im so happy i didn't put much into the car and kept it standard as a daily. Either keep it stock as a rock and just drive it around as is, or if you cant do that dare i say it your better off with a Honda.
  12. Awesome thanks for the advice, will give it a go soon this week and let you know how i went.
  13. Im pretty sure its not coming from the slave cylinder, i can only hear it coming from the hole leading into the gearbox.
  14. I got an Evo 5, i would ask someone on the evo forum but im not a member and you guy have always been helpful when i had my skyrine. So i only recently picked up on this, its not a loud squeal and i can barely notice it when the engine is on (its does this when its also off). When i push in the blutch it squeals and when i slowly let go of it just at the friction point it will make a creaking noise also unoticable when driving. Shifting is really smooth and gearbox is silent while driving, the car has stock exhaust so i would pick up on noises whilst driving easily. The sound is coming from the black arrow pointing to the back circle thing.
  15. What a clown he should have known better then to mess with a mans Regamasters. S2K looks mint, owner must have spent a fair time making it presentable and what not and his day runied by a bogan in commodore trying to reserve a spot for a VN no doubt.
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