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Everything posted by dAVE

  1. dAVE

    New SAU format

    posts take up too much room with avatar and crap up the top.
  2. from those pics it looks like the springs are all out of whack.. or is it just me?
  3. no such thing as a 1.6 btw. read here: http://www.xbox-scene.com/versions_1.php and on another point, the latest xbox i did was a 10-11-2003 (new beast pack purchased just before xmas) and it was a 1.4 dave
  4. only reason why an executor chip wouldnt work on a 1.5 is if it didnt have the latest bios. Just add 2 wires to give it ground and 3.3v power. also to people who are looking at getting their xbox modded, some people offer chips, and some do a software mod on the original bios. Its worth reading up on both before you chose what your doing. Been using alladin advance and its a good option and reasonable price (and can be turned off to play on xbox live). Dave
  5. i have worked at 2 dealers and the last thing I would do is take an import to be serviced there.. good luck! re 100,00km service, Gavin will use any parts you ask him to, but by default will give a quote on nissan parts. The service would include timing belt ($120 for nissan item i beleive), GTR water pump (~$200), Oils, Filters, Sump plug washer and maybe gearbox - not sure. $860 does sound a bit high tho, i thought it was around $700 for that service. dave
  6. Bozz thanks for quick reply. The reason I am looking for it is that in the bottom of the pocket there is a screw which holds it down. The plastic has cracked in it so its not being held down. I guess I could probably fix it now Ithink about it :S
  7. Also small weight savings? I jumped on the scales today and lost 14kg in 1 1/2 months (not bad eh) and was wondering what kind of gain a weight saving of that and minus a spare tire would make. dave
  8. Bozz - im chasing the coin pocket thing from the drivers side arm rest. I think it pops out of the window control unit... if not im chasing the whole let minus the window control buttons. thanks dave
  9. If anyone spots this fool and manages to give me his address theres $$ in it for you. Wouldnt mind recovering my stolen goods. Thanks Dave.
  10. I have a set here - not on my car yet. I can also supply them from japan. ABuSD - ill post up a pic for you tomorrow. dave
  11. muffas - what wannabe said im in melbourne - but dont mind shipping. Obviously the coil packs are gaurenteed to work or money back. Send me a PM to discuss.
  12. decksla - how much? and tires?
  13. dAVE

    FMIC Kit For WRX

    i wouldnt buy a rex just cos of fuel bills. I think u will find that it is pretty close to a guzzling R anyway. i took an STi on our mad mt cruise and ran out of petrol before we even made it back to the servo (we all filled up at the start). Was only 200km of driving too!
  14. hey mate - will give you a call tomorrow re the tires. sorry, been busy.
  15. i have a 2nd hand stock in good condition. pm me an offer.
  16. chasing one too - dont need the window controls tho.
  17. hey i left the city without my phone so im back - whats your number? I got a few missed calls.
  18. hey, can u send me a msg or call 0413 144 121... going away from the net for a day or 2 and wouldnt mind getting some tires monday morning. thanks mate.
  19. i want all 4 pm or email me pushead
  20. lights, bonnet etc from s2 all fit, however you need all the parts or it wont match (bonnet, lights, front bar)
  21. how can u tell if an isp has there own or running through telstra?
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