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Everything posted by dAVE

  1. pm boxhead - im pretty sure he has some rear pods. dave
  2. toyota biatch? already dynoed the r33.
  3. I can 2nd Gavin Woods. I think his labour is a bit more expensive, but hes so damn quick that you end up saving money. I had a new engine put in my car by him. Took him 1 day. Hasnt missed a beat in the last 15,000kms and mechanic in melbourne said who ever tuned it last time did a great job. Nizman, sky|ine and NismoGirl all use him I think.
  4. sold it today worked out well for both of us.
  5. i would like to dyno the soarer... easter weekend would be good.
  6. yes, i was. didnt go to the mountains tho. we left after yatala bp
  7. yo nismo boy.. where u there? who u travveling with?
  8. bad luck dude... u will have to be careful in the rain in the skyline. I would be pissed too if someone hit my car. Its natural reaction if u love your car that much. Dont worry too much about the drivers reaction. My dads a pretty cool guy, but he just picked up a brand new mercedes clk and someone did a u turn in front of us when we were doing 100km/h. The car only had 500km and my dad was so pissed off that the guy who did the u turn wet his pants when my dad was screaming at him. Call your insurance company and get it all sorted. No point in waiting and making the dude in the 300zx wait too. dave
  9. as a passenger...
  10. karl - i wish i had the sti... unfortunately, i planned it for when i was MEANT to be coming back up. So, it has already come and gone without me even being able to drive what MOTOR mag calls the best STI ever... ah well.. i still might come... we will see
  11. theres a really good place on the coast that does retrimming. ASR is the name... cant remember suburb or other details at the moment. If your interested I can look it up for u.
  12. um, i dont think I can come
  13. have one on gold coast. if you cant get a sydney seller, let me know
  14. read in motor magazine that the weight changes to 50:50 under full accel, so i guess he was telling the truth.
  15. i think i can help you. i have the old steering wheel from my series 1 94 non airbag. [email protected] dave
  16. I have some Autobahn 2way paging alarms for sale ($450) but they are not insurance approved as they have turbo timer and remote start. All alarms with these options do not pass aus standards as it is illegal to leave a car running. dave
  17. im in wagga now. be up on wednesday. Will organise one for sure. Come down and check out the head at the same time if you want.
  18. saw a nice new blue one on the road today on the way down to portsea.
  19. yeh, never trust what the compliancers sign off. Not to say they havent done it, but on my 2 cars that were complied, they were signed off before the tires had been changed. Now this isn't huge, but the engineer has signed this off when it wasnt actually correct. Maybe the best thing to do would be baby it for the 1st 1000kms, then change engine oil, filter and gbox oil... and check spark plugs , belts etc. Some ppl also change thier cam belt right away as u never know what the cars been through in japan. I think the cam belt will cost about $100 + $200 in labour. dave
  20. if you want to be cheap then your risking damaging your car. An oil change with fully synthetic is well under $100. If you cant afford that, then you probably cant really afford to run a skyline. In the end its your choice... but dont cry if you **** your engine becuase it was running lean from japan and you didnt get it serviced/tuned etc.
  21. hey, i clicked the link but got nothing? just more or is the site down. Another link for pics?
  22. Its all relative to the cost of the car and how often they are crashed by younger drivers. Your best bet would be to insure under your parents name with suncorp which would be ~ $1000, and then *if* you crash its a $3000 excess. Wait till your a bit older (20+) to put it in your name. Or buy a bomb that u never drive and insure it so u get a rating.
  23. if you have full comp, the insurance company is meant to fix damages and take the culprit to court, as long as you can identify them. Seeing you can, then there shouldnt be a problem with claiming it. Also it wouldnt effect your ncb either.
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