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  • Birthday 11/04/1990

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    1993 r33 gts-t
  • Real Name
    Josh Frick

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  1. why steal a skyline a green one at that not exactly a car u could miss driving away from a crime scene, What commodores not inconspicuous enough for them or easier to steal anymore. poor owner
  2. Surprised there wasn't already a thread about this game. The joy i felt after i head that there would be a new elder scrolls game possibly still one of the best rpg's of all time elder scrolls oblivion was one of the stand out games on the xbox 360, and now there is a new one coming out Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim this is easily one of the most anticipated games of 2011 and the fact that its release date 11.11.11 makes it even more epic, i can honestly say that months of my life are gonna be lost to this game and november truly cannot come soon enough What are your thoughts and opinions of this game? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elder_Scrolls_V http://www.elderscrolls.com/
  3. so i just got my copy of the new game informer magazine and much to my surprise and joy the cover story was none other then saints row 3 aka saints row : the third having played the first 2 games this is shaping up to be one of THE games of 2011. whats ur thoughts and opinions about the game? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saints_Row:_The_Third
  4. should be F@#$ING EPIC cant wait for it blow EVERYTHING up hahaha
  5. the premise for this game is awesome but the trailer was not made by techland who is making the game, so everyone is hyped about a trailer that may just be a like most trailers are a little movie that doesn't actually represent the content in the game. but hopefully this game is as awesome as it sounds, coz i'll pre-order mine off of ebay from hong kong coz theres no way the this is being released in australia sad but true =( instead of the ACB formerly the olfc making a r18+ rating, australia misses out on a lot a top notch games that everyone buys online anyway from asia, the us and even the uk so in reality there just hurting aussie retailers so imo there retards that dont get it because there not actual gamers who preside over the classification board they have and r18+ for movies so why not games it doesn't really make sense to me. ahhh it fells good to have a rant every now and then =)
  6. if i can get my hub and axle put on tonight i will probly head down might even bring weezy
  7. cheers man keeps me happy
  8. WTB an r33 drivers side rear axle and a wheel bearing preferably already in hub coz i smashed mine =(
  9. this is probly m fav picture of my car. From the jaf cruise just after christmas last year
  10. Looking for a stock r33 diff, as i blew my 2 way last night -__- loocking for one ASAP
  11. spotted me blowing my diff on tapleys hill road across from the air port tonight FML!!!! -____-
  12. my fav pic of my car taken at the end of year JAF cruise last month
  13. spewing missed out on it by like a half hour
  14. just a question when i buy the voucher do i have to wait til the 21st til i use it???
  15. was cruising threw speedhunters and spotted this i feel slightly weird lookinj at this hahaha http://ll.speedhunters.com/u/f/eagames/NFS...Van/Van-129.jpg
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