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Everything posted by kopcicle

  1. So a member here , waxer52 posts extensive pics of two stroke engine carnage at another forum Piston Bore Damage . I didn't spot the post until a month later and commented in that thread but thought if no one had answered in a month he might have given up on us . We are to all forms of motorcycles , notably kawasaki's but others also what all of you are to Skylines . Enthusiasts . I was just attempting to pass on some lessons that were learned the hard way . I'm a little unusual in that I go the extra little bit to help someone . Not many would chase down the posts of a new member all over the web to get the information to them . I would . I'm about as far from a troll as you can get . I actually get the whole idea of collective knowledge and experience benefiting all that care to , well , care . the corrected link crank thread thread
  2. Last I checked You still read and write something akin to English in Australia . I get the whole 10 posts before you can PM (spam) someone but do you rely want to have some crazy Yank around for any more posts than it takes to deliver the message and be gone ? All someone had to do was pass the message . ~kop
  3. So ? get over it ...
  4. I'm a bit rough on the troops at times . irreverent , irascible , acerbic , dirty old man with out remorse . I do have my good side . I really do teach what I learn and try to have some humor about it . Problem is I also have no problem calling an inept time waster just that , a waste of time . Guess I'll have to work on that . I have nearly 30 years experience working on all common makes of motorcycle and and somewhat less experience working on those I can't spell . I honestly don't have a brand preference and believe that anything less than that you ride being more important than what you ride is a posture for a--hats , imbeciles and docile media led lemmings of the American public . I digress , as per usual . If I reach the edges of your tolerance please inform me , publicly if necessary . I'm far beyond the age where a bruised ego means anything more than your using my transgression to show the rank and file what is and isn't allowed as well as keep my arrogant self out of trouble long enough to be of some assistance . Now if anyone has read this far could you please let waxer52 know he has and apology of sorts and a reply/link in his crank thread thread I looked around and found some things of interest but doubt I'll be around much . I'll just say thanks to all of you that pack waxwe52's PM box
  5. Sry to bother but does this link make my a$$ look too big ? Piston Bore Damage look I realize that it was posted some time ago and my partners in crime at btk would like to apologize for not getting to it sooner . How you fell through the cracks I don't know . If it doesn't ring a bell then ... Nevermind and have a great day ~kop
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