are you getting a 4 door for the family?? people have been mentioning it but from your p.o.v it sounds like you wnat it for speed and if you buy an R34 don't want to be outdragged by the XR6T and then go i could have bought one of those.
XR6T from what alot of people are saying is faster but my friend's dad has one as his work donated car and he hates it. Mechanical problem up the ass, that ford pic before basically sums his problem up and its not the first i've heard owners crucify it.
are you looking at the other features?
can anyone dispute that the XR6T is a better road handler than the R34? all that Ford power and you can't keep it and your family on the road. that should be reason enough for me to get the R34. If you really want family car with performance why not get the WRX 04 wagon i really dig that car and havent seen people bag the quality or any other feature.
To me the R34 still has that uniqueness and much better in the style department.
Which car is more mechanically sound, i haven't seen 1 post so far saynig the Ford is mechanically superior.
You got a great super helpful community that you are already a part of to help you with the R34 purchase can Ford boast as much?
Personally i don't need a R34 4 door in my life i would spend the same money and get R33 GTR.