yeah theres no guarantee with HDDs nowaydays no matter what brand. I used to work in a computer wholesaler and we sold every type of HDDs - WD, IBM, Seagate, Fujitsu, Maxtor etc
Even the SCSI versions which are so much better i had DOAs everyday. 3 year warranty means bugger all in terms of build quality.
ric777 if you have this problem again and lucky you have a 2nd hdd that is master get a program call R-Studio Pro its the god of all these recovery programs.
example, i had a 80GB go no boot nothing only detect in bios (lucky)
R-STudio recovers even deleted/purged stuff (not formatted) I got back 120GB?!?! no shit outta an 80GB drive.
R-Studio I heard was onced used with the FBI for getting kiddy rapers.