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  1. Thanks for this... From the info I've seen a lot of people have been running a lot of power through the getrag and the ones I've had contact with all recommend it.. They've all said they've been through several standard boxes then didn't have a problem once the getrag was fitted other than bearings and synchros. I did read 'tyndagos' comments that with around 500 bhp the getrag breaks the baulk rings with circuit use, the 5 speed breaks the gears at the same power level but the 5 speed fitted with os giken internals can be good for around700.. I've spoken to someone that was racing with the os giken kit at over 800 bhp and made it last.. (This car put in slower lap times than mine though so it's hard to compare). Apparently it's something to do with a bearing or standard part that needs upgrading but I have very limited understanding of this sort if thing! I'm kind of thinking you're right about crossing the getrag off the list especially if a good second hand os giken box can be had for the same money or less.. I'm just finding it really hard to get good advice from people that have used their cars for hard lapping of a circuit for 5+ mins. Most people in the uk only use their skylines for drag racing.. So many variables!
  2. Sorry clutch is an os giken twin plate.. Pretty mild compared to some.. When the box broke it held for a couple of seconds in third after it had engaged then broke.
  3. Thanks a lot folks for the replies:) I wish I hadn't broken it! With the dog box, I just want to keep a certain amount of road worthiness and for some strange reason have a desire to do some sort of long road trip to Europe (I live in London uk) ... A dog box I think would get on my nerves.. I've seen the ppg vid on YouTube and understand they're not that bad, just not for me. The car makes just over 500bho at engine, I'm sure if I wasn't chasing lap times it wouldn't have broken but am equally sure that if I put another standard box I'll have the same problem. If not now, certainly in the future with more power:( I got the standard box rebuilt only 10 months ago - wish I'd upgraded then. So if I'm not going for a dog box, the options I'm considering are Os giken 1-5 and getrag conversion. Is there anything I haven't thought of that I should consider? Any idea on which is better? Thanks again for your help:) Sam
  4. Hi All, I recently broke 3rd on my standard 'box but am really confused about what to replace it with.. The car is mostly used on track, is full weight,440bhp@hubs and runs rederal RS-R's. I've found a second hand good condition R33GTR G'box fitted with OS Giken 1-5 + centre plate and seen that some people are using the R34 Getrag with good results. What I'm sure about is that I don't want a dog box and will never be able to afford a Hollinger! Also, I don't want another standard 'box as I'm sure I'd break it.. One day I'd like to have 500bhp + @hubs. Any suggestions/advice? Thanks in advance all Cheers, Sam
  5. Some really awesome vids there lads - great thread!! Thought i'd share a couple of my old girl.. Just sold her but got another coming soon tho:) From a track in in England chasing some very nice Porsches.. From Brands Hatch - this used to be a formula 1 track a long time ago.. Some drifting in Rwd Cheers all, Sam
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