Not anti fun at all, most of us love skids. But skids and speed off the streets. Most of us live in areas that imports are pretty heavily targeted by the authorities, and as a community we want to promote off street activities. Search YouTube for some SAU texi vids for and example.
So when you just ask how to do skids, don't be suprised by the response! Most people reserve skids for kids with flat caps in commos.
So, to the car. If you bought a 2.5 or 3.0 and trying to do skids, your a derp. If you bought a 3.5 then you have some options. You can go down the NA bolt on route. Exhaust, plenum spacer, z tube, maybe a tune if your rich. That might get you to skidville. Other options are turbo or supercharger kits.
Best thing you could really do with a rwd, is a manual conversion. Just do it from a manual v35 wreck. Skids would be much easier, and more fun to drive.
Don't worry about the brake wire cut, in NA cars it doesn't exist.
Cheers Stagea Cuz.