Too many Chubbys over cameras on here. Got to try to save topic...
So, the thermo fans stopped working in my shopping trolley. So I check if the fan works- yep, bridged the gap over the relay and sure enough the fan comes on. That makes me think, OK, the relay must be a bit sus. Zip down the auto store - "no nothing like that here" over to mazda and shock/horror /almost fall over at the price- LA10 - bascially a 4 pin 10A relay (like the size of a 50c coin!) $68 or $73 from Ford parts. Not a lot of choice in the matter - so I get one in. Plug in, doesn't fix the problem. Fan don't work.
Turns out its the Coolant / fan temp sensor- $35 from the auto store. My next guess was right. Fit it, works perfect- change /flush coolant- everything a source of joy.
Which leads me too- What is the most ridiculous price that you have had to pay for a tiny/cheap part?