So here goes, my 34 is making a strange subtle popping noise around 1-2k revs under no boost and every now and then it's detonating when under boost around 4-5k revs. What the H is this gremlin?
Before this problem started I had changed the spark plugs with Ngk platinums, exactly what was already fitted and running fine for years. During that process I had a couple of the coil pack connectors snap on me and wouldn't click back on on two of them. I thought maybe it could be the connectors so I bought brand new ones and fixed them. Nope, same thing still happening, grrr.
Just after I changed the plugs myself I took the car to a reputable workshop to have the water pump and timing belt service done as I am nearing 100,000 kms. This is the only thing I am thinking could have gone wrong. I drove around for a week after the plug change and had no issues, after my timing belt was done it seemed to start happening.
Is it possible the workshop messed up the timing or something??
Could one of my coil packs be on the way out?
Something else entirely?
On a cold start it hits full boost like normal and seems okish, maybe a little detonation. After maybe 10 minutes its like it goes into safe mode, boost won't go past 4 psi and the popping starts and more detonation starts under full throttle. It sounds like misfiring to me, but wouldn't it do this all the time, even when cold if it was a misfire issue? Which leads me to think the timing has been retarded or is out?
I will call the workshop which did the belt change and question them but not sure how I will go accusing them of wrong doing. I am thinking of buying spitfire coil packs to eliminate that from the list but would rather avoid spending 400 bux if its not necessary.
Anyone got any ideas, suggestions or experience with problems like this? I would really appreciate the input, cheers.