Hello Mentlegen.
So some idiot reversed into my front bar and tried to leg it last week but i got their numberplate as they drove off. So now insurance is sorting out a replacement.
My car is an Impul R33-R and the front bar was a 400R.
I no longer want the 400R style(Nor GTR-DOLUCK or TOP SECRET) as id like to go closer to Impul style so i have come up with 2 options: BN and M-Sports.
Here is what the original front bar looks like for an Impul:
I have to decide by tomorrow and my thinking is that i would like the BN because it doesn't hang out as far as the M-sports(Being a beneficial trait for any R33 whether it be on Coilovers or not ) and has what looks to be twice the size inter-cooler mouth. But then there is the fact that the M-Sports bar has a closer style to the Impul with the size of its mouths and such.
So yeah i think i like the look of the BN better and i believe it would be a tad easier to maneuver because it doesn't hang out as far as the M-Sports would
But like you know, Whatever... ive mostly made my mind up but i just thought id see what you guys think and maybe hear some points i havent thought of yet.
Cheers guys.
Have a good one