i finally got off my ass and got some argon so ive been having a crack at welding this arvo.
i cant seem to get a weld pool going in ally, all im trying at the moment is to run a weld pool down 3mm ally box, im using zircon tungston (grey) 2,4mm with a size 7 shroud. 7l/m gas flow
these are the setting i had, i tried between 100-170 A all with no luck.
what are some base settings and tips to get me started?
after about an hour of stuffing around i had a crack at mild steel, same shroud and tungsten i just cleaned up and sharpened the tip and put the welder on dc and it worked no dramas.
a bit rough as i was free handing it but this was my first go, 80A welding 1.6mm 25x25 box
im booked in to do a tafe course but it doesnt start till july, so some beginner tips and settings would be awesome