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Everything posted by FR33ZN

  1. Plz delete Didn't think my first topic was showing
  2. Whats Easiest way to check if I have a Vacuum leak ? Rb25det s2 Thanks 
  3. Whats the easiest way to check for a vacuum leak ? Rb25det s2 Thanks 
  4. Will u post the cat lol
  5. No not yet been having other problems ATM so kicked that to the sidefor awhile
  6. Lmfao I bought the same can 2day still can't stop laughing
  7. Sweet might look into it Do u spray it on n wipe it off
  8. Yea kool kool I'll inbox u my number n jus msg me wen u get a chance I don't work until 1pm most days
  9. Sean can I come c u so u can fix my car lol
  10. Sean can I come c u so u can fix my car lol
  11. I done everything but clean the afm
  12. I hav never done it before can someone point me in the right direction Thanks
  13. Na it didn't actually only started after londonderry floods my car didn't go through the water but it started that day I've had the veeport on over a yr now n no problems
  14. Yea I got a veeport bOv , it jolts n coughs
  15. I'm in Richmond n the floods hav stuffed my r33 keeps miss firing now even since then FML
  16. I'm in Richmond n the floods hav stuffed my r33 keeps miss firing now even since then FML
  17. Does any1 hav any ideas why my car would be missing an coughing whilst driving I changed the Coilpacks Plugs When I pull up at lights it seems Luke it's Gunna stall but then keeps runnin n jus keeps doin it Any help would be much appreciated Thanks Michael 
  18. Who will be best to go an see about gettin my profec tuned
  19. Lol jus gotta get a computer now lol
  20. Yea I might hav a look or even jus go get it tuned
  21. Yea I'll put it in wen I get 2 the car n see how it goes on the way home 
  22. Kool kool I'll give it ago wen I finish work thanks heaps
  23. Hey all Jus after settings for my EBC I wanna run 12psi Car has got very basic mods Rb25det series 2 Intercooler Pod filter Exhaust Greedy profec b EBC Any help much appreciated Thanks
  24. Hey all Jus after settings for my EBC I wanna run 12psi Car has got very basic mods Rb25det series 2 Intercooler Pod filter Exhaust Greedy profec b EBC Any help much appreciated Thanks
  25. I got a series 2 spoiler in qm1 white
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