Well if anyone can shed more light on the diagnostics mode of aircon it would be great. Especially since I think I might have upset my outside temp reading (not sure how).
But what you so is;
1) turn your ignition on (dont need to start the car) and within 10sec hold the off button for 5sec.
2) Your in!
If I remember correctly (will check again in a mo as goign to work on car again) you initially see all LED display elements illuminated. Then I think you use the "mode" button to toggle to menu options 2, 3, 41 & 51. I will check these again later. When you in menu 51 you can push the "up" button (as in the the up and down for adjusting temp setting) to toggle into mode 61 where you can set the temp offset by 3 degrees in increments of 0.5*C. Also I think in this mode 61 if you push the demister button I think it is (top left button of aircon controls) you can toggle into the readouts for all 3 temp sensors.
Again I hope I got that right working of my memory from 2 days ago. I will suss out again in a mo.