Today I'm going to replace my aac valve and air regulator
I've replaced all the plugs, igniter, loom and coil packs.
I found yesterday my fuel line before the filter was swollen and had a leak so I replaced that.
I was driving my car and on full it was only getting 30-40 psi oil pressure but since advancing the timing it's gone back to what it should be.
I got it so it does just rev of its head but now it's got a hunting problem but doesn't have any leaks.
It's like the car revs to 3k and then dies and when it's about 600-1200 it starts again
I tested a known working maf the same way and it didn't have 12v on the signal it had 300mv like there meant to
I did find a vacuum leak so fixed it and started the car and it didn't hunt but idled high, I did notice just before that the sensor in the radiator wasn't connect, is it used for anything?
I did pressure test it the other day and found leaking injector insulators but fixed that, I'll do I pressure test tomorrow and report back. I got it close but when I took it for a drive it boosted up high but felt like it wasn't doing anything so we advanced the timing a little and it went a lot better and it also helped with a oil pressure problem I had
I had my car running good today, went for a drive and my car just started reving high on idle so I drove home, and stared it at home now I an idle hunt goes from 1000 to 3-4000 what are the main cause of idle hunt?