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Everything posted by jawrgy

  1. hehe ill bite. YOUR third party, meaning the insurance you have = fix other cars if you are at fault. NOT YOURS (compulsory every1 must have or its illegal to drive said car) Comprehensive will fix both cars = higher premium but peace of mind. If a car hits you their insurance pays you to get your car fixed. If the person who hits you is gay and doesnt want to pay follow what some people up top said about reporting it to police etc etc
  2. Well the mechanic looked at it this morning. There was no problem with the car overheating at all when i drove. He bleed the radiator and he said there were pockets of air even after bleeding. He said it was most likely being caused by a faulty thermostat. As i needed the car for work and there was no time to pull the bonnet off and change the thermostat i tried my luck of driving around. There were no signs of a blown head gasket (oil in the coolant), and all the fans were working. Driving normally even giving the car a bit of gas and having the air con on, there didnt seem to be a problem which is promising. The temp needle stayed constantly in the middle. The only thing that was different was the first time i drove it, i could hear a faint rattling from my left hand side air vent in the car. It sounded like the rattling an old fridge makes but very faintly. It then disappeared. Any one diagnose what this may have been?
  3. hmm hopefully its nothing to bad. I had my car serviced 2 weeks ago wouldnt they check the radiator fan?
  4. Sooo.... As i was sitting in my car today, coolant started spitting out from that hole at the top of the reserve tank in my engine bay. I was sitting in a parking spot in the sun waiting for my friend to quickly do something that would take 15 mins.... it took an hour. So as i was sitting in the car as an hour passed i realised smoke coming out of my right and side bonnent and shit myself. I turned the car off, poped the bonnet button and got out of the car to check out wtf is going on. As i go to open the bonnet there is a whole lot of coolant all over the road and i thought my radiator had cracked.... Well once i got the bonnet open the coolant in the reserve tank was boiling and spewing out coolant. So why im posting here is to ask, will this cause long term problems?? Is it just a one off case from sitting in the sun and having the aircon on full blast??, after letting the car cool when i drove home my temp needle was normal but when i stopped at lights the needle would go to high. Is this caused by there being less coolant due to spilling out. I will top the car up with water when it cools down and take it to the mechanic just to have a quik look over, but do you think this has caused long term damage to my engine?
  5. very unlucky, ur car is so gonna be marked now to be anal inspected every time a HWP or police car pops ur rego into their system.
  6. Bummer, feel bad for the people on their way there.
  7. How did u get LSV to insure u ><, I have only ever found Just Car and NRMA to insure skylines.
  8. Got my v35 from them september 2010, have not had a problem with the car. Getting it serviced this Monday, ill let you guys know how it goes as im getting it serviced by a performance shop and they will be able to point out any faults or problems. But other than that generally their cars are pretty clean.
  9. I find it hard to believe RB25PWR let a P plater off for driving a turbo vehicle. A P plater driving a turbo is like driving an unregistered or unisured car. If said P plater had an accident on the way home then the officer who let the P plater off prior could be liable because they let a P plater drive away after just being pulled up. Just like police officers not giving people voluntary breath tests or letting unregistered car drivers drive home after they have been caught, this is so the police officer cannot be held liable if the unregistered driver has a crash on the way home or they give the all clear saying you are under the BAC but get pulled up half an hour later with a higher BAC reading. But then again RB25PWR may be one of the rare highway patrol men who DONT suffer from little man syndrome. Maybe you could clarify do highway patrol let P platers who have been caught driving turbo's, drive home even if they slap them with the fine and 7 point loss?? (becuase driving turbo on P's means ur not insured even for third party and no insurance is illegal) Also one more question for our HWP friend. When a HWP punches in ones rego, for example on a 350z, does it come up with prohibited vehicle as its a high powered v6. I think from a previous thread i was told it only shows turbo/supercharged and that the V6 component is not in your databases. Or is that all a fairytale.
  10. It doesnt matter if lib's say they are going to increase speed limits and then not do it once they get into power. As the above mentioned, libs dont need to do or say anything, they pretty much have this election in the bag. Only the people on welfare will vote labor, any1 with half a brain will vote libs.
  11. ye i have checked with almost every insurer out there. NRMA and Just car are the only people who will insure my 350gt skyline. NRMA was around 3.5k and just car is at 2k at the moment but the car is insured for 35k. NAB does do one off insurance to good customers, they quoted 16k........ Id be interested to see what other companies insure imports besides Just Car.
  12. Any update as to whats going on?? did u receive the suspension?
  13. I think the more important question is.... since when did HWP use Lancers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, ive herd of them using aurions (yet to see) but other than commo's and falcons what other undercover cars do police have access to??
  14. Calm down Bro , Fact 1: When a police runs rego it does not say if the car is turbo!! Fact 2: Yes highway patrol are trained in 'vehicle identification', but not normal/regular cops Fact3: Andrew, your always wound up tight, are you having your period?? calm down, relaxxx >< Im personally speaking from experience. I drove a 350gt, not a turbo but still P plate illegal. I was pulled over by RBT's and normal cops for the "random breath test", they never asked for an exemption. But i was driving around Penrith for work and got done by highway patrol. Lost my license and had to sell the car..... -George
  15. Avoid Highway patrol. Thats all I can say. RBT"S and regular cops wont notice as they dont know the difference. The rule is not heavily enforced because cops believe no1 has the balls to do it. Meaning they dont look for P platers in turbo cars!!! they look for P platers doing silli shit so if u dont do anything stupid while on ur on ur P's then cops dont have a reason to look at you. Hence why in Sydney, you do not drive in the western suburbs and cruise around Fri/Sat night in the city. Highway patrol are prominently in western Sydney due to their large roads and long highways. Highway patrol really only venture to the city if its the weekend. Honestly highway patrol dont like coming to the city because of traffic, why would they when they can drive the big open highways catching speeders and legally doing 200km+ to enforce the law. Who wants to sit in the city trying to defect P platers for pods & loud exhausts. But thats not to say you wont find highway patrol in the eastern suburbs and lower north shore. Their are designated highway patrol who just take care of those area's. So getting back on track. I think if you want to drive a turbo car on your P's it is possible depending on where you live. If you know how to avoid highway patrol you should be sweet. Just drive during certain hours and in certain places.
  16. Cops dont know its banned , SOME*** high way patrol do so if u avoid the western suburbs and the city on weekend you will be alright. Its not officially on the banned list just listed on the RTA website as a grey import.
  17. what happened to your original one ><, just wondering if there are problems with the 2004 v35's
  18. In Soviet Russia, Bike rides you. BTW since we are on the topic of speeding. A early 2000 Commodore undertook me and another car on Forshaw Road on our way to Lapa (its a two laned road she used the emergency lane that is usually full of rubbish) at least doing 180km+. My car shook when she passed and I was in the furthest lane. Further up blue highway patrol has his radar gun out. Need i say the rest. As we passed it was a lady/young girl, I expect it to be in the News paper tomorrow of Hoon driver caught doing 100Km's over the limit.
  19. http://cgi.ebay.com.au/iPod-CD-MD-MP3-Player-Tape-Car-Cassette-Adapter-/110618823067?pt=AU_Electronics_Portable_Audio_Accessories&hash=item19c165499b Best thing ever.... Trust me and then u can put it away when u dont use it.
  20. Buy shares =D, invest so you can afford a r35 and move up from the r32
  21. Definitely the cable. I doubt its the pedal unless the pedal lost a bolt somewhere and the cable has slackened off.
  22. LMAO, u would rather drive in thailand than Australia....... Hop on a moped in Thailand and u would not last a week. You will be carried to the hospital in some guys ute, the same ute used to transport animals(ambulances are very scarce in the remote or even city parts) then have steal mesh used to get rid of the gravel scars. Thailand is a still considered a third world country where the majority of the population still use farms as their main source of income. I got nothing against Thailand, loved the place when i went but to say you are safer on their roads than Australian roads is utter stupidity.
  23. Assuming the original posters story is true, to every detail with no exaggeration I see the off duty cop is in the wrong. As above have stated if he was on the wrong side of the road bla bla bla its his fault. In this instance i know people are going to find it hard to comprehend what im about to say but............. wait for it ....... "Common sense should prevail over the law". (TAKE A MOMENT, DONT REACT), Sure he may have been on the wrong side of the road but the car drove into him!!!! What makes its worse is it was an off duty poo poo im sure her friends were highway patrol, they think they "save lives" all their good for is directing traffic when the lights arent work. But thats my opinion. So the moral of the story here kids, even though some politician you have never met said you cannot overtake a retard driver because their is 50c line of unbroken paint on the road doesnt mean you are doing the wrong thing. In the eyes of the law you are but in the end you are doing the right thing trying to avoid a drop kick driver. Society has the problem of not being able to determine right from wrong. they have to follow a strict set of arbitrary laws such as Australia road laws and if you break them, you are a criminal
  24. I Feel for u, but dont come to this forum for sympathy. Most people here a righteous ass holes. =D
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