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Everything posted by blue_vl_t

  1. i was only thikning of this the other day, good time for the post to be revived. Does anyone have any real world results using the larger AR rear housing garret -10's on rb26, stroker or rb26/30? Are the larger housing options known to shuffle like their gtrs equivelants?
  2. what size are the front pipes?
  3. haha, both posted at the same time
  4. You should find that the z32 air flow meters will give you a larger tuning resolution that the stock ones, but there really is no way that the Z32 AFM's can give you a power increase on their own. The stock AFM's will run out of resolution/max out and have no more Voltage range to give at approx 300rwkw, i have had this exactly on my own car, then the Z32's are installed to give tuning resolution past this mark. The power gain you have shown is most likely because of a diferent day on the dyno, some other modification you performed, or most likely it is running a bit leaner on boost or have more ignition timing. Not having a go at you, just letting you and others know, that AFM's, just like upgrading fuel pumps and injectors will not give any power increase, but they will support more power. The only other way a pair of Z32's will give more power on their own would be if the stock 65mm AFM size was restricting the motor and the 80mm size allowed the engine to breath better. The Nismo AFM's are 65mm though, with the tuning resolution of the Z32 AFM, so really, unless we are looking at 550+rwkw, i cant see that being the case .
  5. funny shit
  6. just to back all this up, the gauge in my r32 gtr sits almost on zero in the same situation as you mentioned, but works ok on the highway etc.
  7. yea thats the plan now, also looked on a detailing site which recommended isopropyl alcohol, just tried it and it works not too bad.
  8. variable speed yes, i have used one before, bit i think i should have masked the whole car up, lol may try a high pressure cleaner today on the spots. I have not reduced the grade yet. will be next the step. any easy way to remove dry polish?
  9. so i clayed my gtr and machine polished with meguires mirror glaze light cut number 2 panels are coming up great, but now i have small spots absoutly everywhere from machine buffing, they are so hard to get off it has taken me longer to attempt to remove the dry spots than to prep the whole car, they seem to dry before i even get to wipe them off. I am in the shade and the car is cool. Do i have to re polish the whole car by hand, windows, trims etc just to get rid of it? surley i'm doing something wrong??>_< i want to start on a black car soon as well, but not keen till this is sorted, what do you guys do??? my car is covered in spots and ive been scrubbing for hours
  10. AEM on mine, cheap and from what I could find seem accurate and reliable. Mine works well
  11. Should be able to swap just the crown wheel and pinion gears in both doffs if you want to keep your active LSD gear.
  12. If you unplug the idle control valve electric plug does the idle return to normal, this is what my car is doing, 1500 rpm idle just started doing it one day, I unplugged the electrical plug and it idles as normal. I still need to look into this drama
  13. http://www.spoolimports.com/spool-stroker-kits/spool-nissan-rb30-stroker-crank-kit
  14. I had this same problem, just because the bolt is wound right in and the plugs looks ok doesn't mean it actually is in all the way.
  15. my rb26 has a 15 psi difference, well it did before i reconditioned the head and put cams in, haven't checked since. still runs well
  16. just recieved my data logit gear, well packed and looks good, thanks mate
  17. as stated, im chasing a catback exhaust to suit r32 gtr. I really only want to go for 3 1/2" or larger don't care what its made out of, stainless or mild steel, titanium, whatever not something ridiculously loud. may buy a whole exhaust setup if your setup is the goods. cheers simon
  18. as stated, im chasing a catback exhaust to suit r32 gtr. I really only want to go for 3 1/2" or larger don't care what its made out of, stainless or mild steel, titanium, whatever not something ridiculously loud. may buy a whole exhaust setup if your setup is the goods. cheers simon
  19. post up some more info on your car, what tyre size and brand/type did you use both times? engine specs, just approximate will do what mph where you running when running 13's compared to when you ran 14's also 60 foot times. you really need to break it down, but it sounds like you have shit tyres and stiff suspension, which neither will be helping. post more info from your timeslips and specs and we can help you out to get you running the times you want
  20. Sounds like the tune is too rich, he may have tuned the car on the dyne and not on the road, so light throttle maps could be rich. Some tuners do this, hence make sure you know what your having done. It makes it hard these days, I rarley trust anyone with my car and if I have a tune done I usually drive and they tune. Not I tune most of it myself, just use a dump for a tune tidy up and so your not speeding on the road to tune. Get a proper wide band sensor if you want to check your af ratios or have it done for you.
  21. did you use heat proof brake temp rated paint on the calipers?? looks good, what is the front bar, more pics, i like the huge entry for the intercooler
  22. UK seller on ebay for my r32, look great, fit well and are cheap as chips
  23. something as fiddly as wipers are sometimes easier to paint strip than sand, especially if you want to take them back to bare metal.
  24. pics will need to be added to this thread need pics when done/under construction good luck
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