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Johny Bravo

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Everything posted by Johny Bravo

  1. i could be wrong. There's not much room between the gaurds an the wheels.
  2. If it's happening consitantly or under the same conditions all the time your best option it to connect it up to a heart monitor(the computer that reads all the magical stuff) and that should tell you whats wrong. Might be a crank angle sensor or something silly like that. Tried cleaning the afm? What fuel are you running it on?
  3. not sure. What state are you in? Find a trustworth mechanic and they'll tell you exactly what will suit your car.
  4. Get lsd. Locking the diff will wear your tires far quicker.
  5. haha yeah. Plastic hub caps would make it look grandpa spec! I've got standard silvia rims on it i believe. And there only 15's and look fairly low key. I'll shop around and fins some thing that blends in.
  6. yeah theres nothing worse then people do stupid shit when there's other cars around. Late at night after work i might give it a little squirt around a corner, but if i can see any other cars i won't. Simply cause they could be cops and because if i do loose it, i dont hurt any one or there pride any joy.
  7. I second that. I get a quiet laugh when people thrash the shit out of their little buzz boxes and i just plod along casually. The p platers are the worst for doing it. Especially ya stereotipical bogans in there comodores.
  8. did you have a look at the car you mean? Got two brand new bumpers for it so she won't look so bunged up. What coilovers would you recommend? And yeah i'm gonna find some fat, light, inconspicuous looking rims. Any suggestions there either?
  9. haha. We all know they got nothing on skylines! So either way im happy.
  10. Might be worth while trying to find some one with a 4 wheel dyno.
  11. haha. I'm still enjoying everones amusment from the post about the wrx's.
  12. ah, there we go. That is why i ask these kinda questions on here before going into the tyre shop where the barstards will tell you anything. Now then, can any one recommend a brand of tyre to get then? I hear kumho is good in the wet? I have pirelli p6's on my 31 and they are pretty good. I may however need to get fatter rims for the skyline when i get back depending how much power it has. So i could always chuck the pirreli's on the corolla. I think the rims on the skyline are the same offset and everything. Not sure. There not standard rims.
  13. yeah not modding it in any way. I'm not gonna buy new rims just to get bigger diameter rims. Just wanna go a bit fatter for better traction in the wet. However the tyres on it are getting close to the end of there life. So i figured we might as well get fatter ones at the same time. Want to keep the overall diameter of the tyres the same as not to effect the speedo.
  14. nah i already hop in the car and make car noises when i drive. I think thats bad enough.
  15. haha yeah. Was just curious thats all. Just gonna slap some fatter rims and some good tyres on it so she gets getter traction it the wet. Which tassie tends to be most of the time, plus then she can have a little bling on the car and that'll keep her happy. So does any one know how fat we will fit? It has standard 15X6 on it i think. Don't want to go any bigger then 17 cause any bigger will be rediculus. And was hoping to fit 7 and a half inches fat, maybe 8. Theres a lot of wet hills where we are. Still want to go full lock without rubbing and to be able to turn whilst driving of course. Does any one know what i can fit or know where to find out? Cheers.
  16. yeah i just read a thread on the ecu on one of the corolla sites. It was about resetting the ecu. But seeing we've done over 4000km since we got it there'd be no point in doing that. I seen some ecu chips on the net somewhere that soposibly give a bit more power. Are they worth looking at or are they just a waste of money?
  17. yeah i just read a thread on the ecu on one of the corolla sites. It was about resetting the
  18. yeah. 500 is still pretty good however. I am running it on 98 octane though. And we do do a bit of highway driving. Whats this about the ecu relearning itself?
  19. whats so great about this e85? Isn't it bad for your engine compared to running 98 octane unleaded fuel?
  20. I'm getting 700+km per tank at the moment. Don't want to sacrifice that too much.
  21. just buy a stagea and chop the top half of the arse end off. Might be worth looking into. If ya did a good job i recon it would look pretty mean!
  22. did it make a noticible difference? And did ya re tune it or any thing?
  23. i don't go much or subaru's my self. I've only had little experience with them but as far as i can tell they seem fairly gutless considering how much every one talks them up..
  24. i'm not surprised, for what they are they do have a bit of "get up and go" in them.
  25. And yes i'm fairly sure thats the motor it has.
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