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Johny Bravo

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Everything posted by Johny Bravo

  1. Yeah i've decided not to because i may have to drive on gravel roads and it'll suck dust into my boot. And that will destroy all my amps and sub. Haha. I'm sure marty has thought of the best way to do it.
  2. I had my skyline stolen a while ago. And my dads nevara not long before. Fortunatly the ute was found fine, and my 31 was a little worse for wear when they took it so they didn't damage anything i wasn't replacing any way. However it was a prick to clean all the forensic dust off and i think that alone should be a good enough excuse to bound their feet, tie them to the toe bar and then have some drift practice on some nice rough bitumen roads. Good for nothing bogan scum. I recon if i was given a baseball bat and a licence to do with it as i please that i could solve a lot of the worlds problems.
  3. yeah if you've got what ya need laying around why wouldn't ya. I'll let ya know how it goes any way. Gotta have some power when ya towing ya beast around on a trailer. Really hanging out to get my car back. You can only have so much fun when ya driving the girlfriends corolla.
  4. we'll have to wait and see then.
  5. non believer of what?
  6. it isn't installed yet. Will post those pictures when it has been done. Expecting it to be all done around wed-thursday. Will keep all you excited little children updated as i go.
  7. like the idea xrated. Will talk to marty when he gets back monday. Had it dyno'd before it started getting work done. Had 76kW at the wheels and 220nm i think from memories. Got the papers sitting around somewhere. It did however have a stuffed gudgen pin. Luckily i got a new motor going in! When its installed i'll get more photo's for ya and i'll do a write up on it too. Cheers fulla's.
  8. If you look closely theres a oil pump in the picture. I don't know all the details i just know that its all being taken care of!
  9. Alrighty, finally got a picture. pretty straight forward. its just sitting in my boot at the moment. the waste gate wont sit how it is in the picture, i just sat it there so you could see it, it'll most likely be rotated a bit. looks a little scrappy but everthing you see there will be black except for the compressor housing and the tailpipe obviously. any questions just shoot away. oh and the tip of the exhaust should sit snug with the edge of the bumper. cheers
  10. I think it's 2 and a quater. Could be wrong. Will get back to you on it. Might have to be that size to keep the pressure up or something. Dunno!
  11. no worries. Hopefully i'll have her broken in by the time you get back.
  12. The cat has been gutted. The turbo should make it pretty quite until it spools up and the waste gate opens. I had a look at the setup the other day and it looks pretty tidy. Dirty big exhaust coming out of the turbo. If ya want to have a look XRated we'll have to meet up and go for a cruise or something. I can't seem to find any skyline clubs in tas or even cruise groups so i've decided that one has to be started. That is of course if one doesn't already exist. I should have some pics up late tomorro.
  13. I had a simular problem with my rb30. At first we thought it was the dizzy and rotor button but turned out to be the crank angle sensor. However mine was not doing it all of the time. Hopefully this helps you and doesn't send you on a wild goose chase like i had.
  14. Thats sounds much more plesent then what i'm used to then. I generally don't do it much cause my tyres are still new so i only flick it out in the wet. And i don't do it when i can see other cars cause ya never know which ones are cops these days. I work nighshift so i'm often on the road when no one else is which is quite handy!
  15. Haha. Yeah i'm going to try my best to behave. I've been sideways plenty of times but thats always been in non lsd cars. And i've had many hours thrashing the ute around in the bush. If i get my car back soon enough i'll be taking it down to baskerville raceway for a day with a bunch of friends. The plan is only to give it a squirt in straight lines really, and i can't afford to go over the speed limit cause i got f**k all points. Haha. Theres a thread in forced induction titled "sts turbo setup" that'll tell ya more about my car. Cheers
  16. I second Justin. Martin is doing my car at the moment and he takes it to gt garage.
  17. getting my car back soon with much more power and it'll also have lsd and a stall converter. never driven a powerful lsd car or tried to go sideways in one. just wondering what i should expect. Also the stall converter will be about 2500rpm how is this gonna feel to drive and how will that affect my day to day driving? The more feedback the better. cheers
  18. yeah a sticker is a defect notice. And i've got an r31 not a wanna be vl. Haha. I'm going to see the mechanic later on today and throw a few more things at him, i think i may have already used up my budget but we shall see what happens. I've got little room in the front end because when i got the car it had a manual radiator so i had to put in an oil cooler for the transmition. I've been hanging out to get the car back and now im looking forward to sharing it with ya all. Gotta break the engine in before i can really have a go at it but oh well. I'm sure i'll be able to wait a little before i plant that right foot.
  19. yeah i'll be running about 10 pounds of boost i think. There should be plenty of piping under there too. Sounds like i've got a few people keen to have a look at the final result. I'm thinking of chucking something in simular to whats in the link GTscotT put in above. Will see what we can all come up with.
  20. I'll take some photo's tomorro if i remember. Otherwise i don't think i'll hear the end of it. I've seen the you tube video from america but as far as i know i haven't heard of any of these in aus, especially tas. Hopefully it all goes well so i can pretend im the guru of sts. Haha. Don't recon i'll be fooling anyone.
  23. As soon as i have more i'll put it up. The turbo has had the housing brough out or something which i think makes it spool easier. I've got a 2 and a quarter inch exhaust. The engine was n/a and the reason i'm running this set up is so the car looks standard. Don't want to get stickered now do we! I've got an auto box with a stall convertor of about 2500 rpm as i said before. Not sure if i've answered ever ones questions. Just ask them again if i haven't. If any one knows of a sly way to chuck in an intercooler or any other suggestions let me know. Cheers fulla's.
  24. ah, my mechanic thinks we won't need one, it should cool down alot on it way back up to the engine but we'll see how it goes. If i need one i'll get one. Or if it's gonna improve performance i'll likely get one.
  25. Don't need an intercooler as the turbo is at the very back of the exhaust system. It replaces the muffler. And because the air intake will be pretty much straight off the turbo it will be stone cold air. I live in tassie which means the air is generally very cold.
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