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Johny Bravo

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Everything posted by Johny Bravo

  1. i can use paint! does that count?
  2. I see a shit load of skylines about, and quiet a few come through the servo i work at but i never know if they are a member or not.
  3. good to hear.
  4. what dogs. i'm so glad we don't have to deal with this shit in tas.
  5. are they doing a full look over the car or just checking the exhaust? keep us updated. oh!!! and don't forget to take your repco dB tester just incase you need to dispute the result.
  6. cheers. sorry to drag up an old thread.
  7. Has another buy been started? Depending on peoples feed back i'm keen.
  8. but its an iPhone...... repco db tester for the win!!!!
  9. i still think cruising around with a repco db tester is a better idea.
  10. You could put the tester near the cop and inform him that he is dribbling shit at a loudness of about 30dB. haha
  11. repco db tester FTW!!!
  12. Repco is selling db testers for 40 bucks each. probably shit though. and won't help you at all. but yeah
  13. They can do that? What a shit state to live in. You should get it tested somewhere to see how many db it is making and they tell them to shove it. Thats if its below 90 of course.
  14. Nice looking work there. Just a quick enquiry, a little down the track i'll be looking at getting a custom plenum for my rb30, however, due to my setup i want a plenum that is the same orrientation as a standard nissan plenum (ie; the intake and throttle body runs over the top of the engine). Just wondering if you would be able to do something like this? And roughly the costs? I'll be wanting a bigger sized throttle body. And also would like to replace my entire plenum (both the top part and the bottom part) as i'm wanting something that isn't going to hold my setup back. Here's an engine bay picture: And a link with some more info on my car (needs updating): http://motamota.r31s...?topic=146624.0 The black intake pipe you see in the picture can be lengthened or shortened where needed but i figured it would be easiest if the throttle body remained in the same position so that the throttle cable connected as normal. Like i said, i won't be doing this for some time (unless it turns out to be affordable sooner or i decide i want it done sooner) just wanting to know if you can do it, how much roughly, and any recomemmendations you have. And should also mention that a forward faceing plenum would be no good to me. Cheers for your time. Kurt
  15. Johny Bravo

    Moving Sale

    pm sent.
  16. I've decided they are a must have. Cheers for the pics.
  17. Yeah will measure as much stuff as i can and send you the dimentions as soon as get around to it. Little drunk at the moment so i think i'll wait till the morning. I think i'll take a picture and draw all the dimentions on top. Should make it easier for you.
  18. If you already have the plans that would be appreciated. But i don't want to put you out any more as you've already done so much. I'm following all that stuff to a limited extent. Which option would you recommend? should i turf the sub, amp and box and start from fresh? or should i just build a box to better suit the sub i have and get a better amp? Building a box should be easy enough for me to do. A tad broke at the moment so i can't really afford an expensive amp for a little while. Thanks once again for all the help. Is there anything i can do to thank you? Cheers.
  19. Spotted, just after 10pm tonight a black r32 have a little bit of throttle fun. I'm also a tad guitly of this.
  20. Very annoyed. wrote a long reply. nothing showed up. TWICE! The prduct code for the box is, SB12100, advertised as a 1 cubic foot box. (tried linking it, kept being gay) Got that seeing it was close to 1.009 and i couldn't find anything else as close. My head unit has 3 rca outputs, Rear, front and sub. Rear and front are connected to my 4 channel amp. Sub output connected to the sub amp. I can turn the sub on/off with head unit along with invert it (aim the sub into the box) and adjust the filters. Gotta work out what the filters are cutting what to where. ie what channels. And i haven't seen any crossover function but will have a look. Got a friend who works at spotlight so i will get here to score me some poly fill on the cheap. Cheers once again.
  21. i read the title and thought you meant you couldn't lock your doors when the car was in 1st. I thought to myself "why would someone want to leave an auto in 1st and not Park"?
  22. finally got around to it. from the centre of the widscreen to the cone (which is currently facing the front of the car, sitting right behind the rear seats) the distance is about 1850mm. and then from the cone to rear of the boot is about 1000mm. and the box is about 300mm deep. The sub box is approx 1 cubic foot. (just an aeropro box) and sealed. Not brand loyal, just got the fusion stuff on special. And i believe that amp you linked is 300rms not 350. Oh and i've decided i'm more then happy to turf my box and amp and get better stuff. i don't think i'll need a better sub if i get a better amp to power it. should be enough to keep me happy. Cheers for the help.
  23. haha nice. looks different. they're the right rims. didn't happen to come across any pictures of the rims in white? i would dump it on its guts, but i have clearance issues as it is. just looked at the car this morning and the front suspension is starting to give now. looks like its time to put coilover in the front too. what a pitty. cheers for that. i shall spread word of your generosity and workmanship throughout all the land.
  24. my brother passed his by stuffing a sponge in the blow off valve to muffle the blow off valve. while the bloke was checking the engine for excessive noise, he was pulling the throttle cable and the spronge shot out past his head. he passed it, just told him to do something about the bov. haha. dunno about the kit. just wanted to share that idea with you. unless it failed because you have a bov, then its not help.
  25. soooo. you know your audio. haha. bass is crap unless you crank the volume right up. i'll try playing some other kinds of music. i'll chuck on some daft punk or something else with slow bass to see how it goes. if you have had a look at the fusion amp range is there one there which you would recommend? i rarely listen to the stereo so i'm not too keen on spending big money. and yes i know, cheap and good don't go together, but im happy with cheap and nasty. I'll measure it tomorro (don't have my tape measure here, left it at the new rental) and get back to you. just to be clear you want me to measure from the centre of my windscreen to the back seats/where the sub box sits. oh and thanks for all the help, when i get around to putting a good system in a car, i'll come see you. cheers
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