im gunna attempt to get the flat (which was causing the shaky steering on way home) to the shop n get it fixed up cause i dont wana rep stockies up front i aint no honda civic burnout car!!!
its come to my attention i have a flat tyre and no time to have it fixed :'(
even if i did, no driver cause mats going to geelong im fairly sure, who wants a farking passenger people? ill bring camera and shoot you
stickering is quiet an art form these days, basically work you way around the windscreen or back window, then make you way to the centre
i lost powerplay sticker in the rain on way home, depression has set it
yeah im back, been working to much n dont have any spare time
gunna try post a bit more then last month or so, so whats new guys?
keen as for powerplay on sat, gunna be a f**king early morning
ill see what i can do about said "concrete spec cusco's"
was an awesome day cant believe how many came for it, was awesome to meet you all
hope yous make the next one