I am in need of a NSW Exemption letter for driving a prohibited vehicle whilist on your provisional license. I am offering $50 to anyone who can provide the following:
1) All the attached material that came with the exemption letter as well as the letter
2) The letter must have no restrictions, eg work time only driveable
4) Must be scanned and be in good quality, large creases in the letter from folding will not be acceptable.
All i can say is the reasons i want the letter is for a prank, will be editing the information on the letter ( WILL NOT USE ANY OF YOUR INFORMATION ON THE LETTER that will be deleted in the editing process)
Once we have made a deal prior to payment you must email a scanned copy of the letter, but you may water mark it or draw lines across it using a computer program to render it usless. This is just protection for me so i know that you are a legit seller and have the letter. Once i have confirmed then I will send the money either over Paypal or Online Bank depositing and then you may send the letter and all the attachments.
This will be the quikest $50 you will ever make. 5 minutes of scanning and sending an email is too easy.