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Everything posted by KnightRiderR33

  1. thanx guys ill give that a shot
  2. Hey guys my windows aint going up or down in my r33 gtst s1 i checked all the fuses non seem to be blown any clue as to where else i can check??? I get no response from the bottons what so ever also the elcetronic locks aint working either any idea? this all hapnd about 5-10 mins ago it started to rain heavy now they dont work plz if anyone knows anything let me know ASAP
  3. Thanx for the speedy reply bro ill get someone to check that out for me much appreciated =D.
  4. Ok guys sorry ta bust ya balls but im on my last leg here before i throw in the towl and go to the mechanics to get ripped off. Last weekend i had an unfortunte accident with my clutch fan. Bolts that hold the clutch fan and pully on the water pump shered off and sent my fan around the front of the engine bay ripping up my radiator and belts. Alls good with replacing the parts but recently ive noticed that the car has lost power on boost almost like its dropping torque at about 5000rpm and struggles to go any further. Also the car had a slight lil back fir prior to the accident but now it seems like im shooting cannon balls out the exhaust. Im thinking mayb the cam sensor was knocked about when the fan came off sending the timming out of whack , could ther be any other reason for this?. By the way my car is an ECR33 94 s1 Manual. Mods are FMIC and full 3" ceramic fujitsubu exhaust. Thanks for the help guys
  5. Well i hooked it up to an ICE thermo fan switch its the same brand of the fan.. last night i took it for a long run and she over heated and cracked the radiator.. i took a look at some threads on other sites and they said the fan i got is rated at 2500 cfm i dont get why i over heated i took it out for about an hours drive from my house in green valley to silverwater via the western mototway and she was fine... on the way back though it started to have issues whith spike and then dropping temp
  6. Hey guys just installed a 16" Ice thermo fan on my r33 gtst. Everything seems to be fine im not overheating or anything.. Just wanted to know if the fan setup is Push or Pull. I think my thermo is set up for pull as ive just followed the angles on the fins that were on my clutch fan.. though it seems to be pulling through alote of heat. I can feel it from the engine but my temp gage is reading fine right in the middle but then again i havent gone for a long drive.. u guys got any idea on how it should operate? push? or pull?
  7. Hey chris i know this might be a long shot , but hear me out, would u have that metal brake line (the part that comes from the calipers thrhough to the silicone lines) for an r33gtst.. For the front passenger side.. 1 broke on my car 2 day and cant seem to find any around. could u get back to me asap if ya can im kinda despret.. Thanx.. Also if u dont have them can u lead me in the right direction on where i could possibly get it?? i live in sydney south wwest in the green valley region
  8. USE V - POWER theres no substitute =D
  9. Hey guys lately ive noticed that the acceleration on my r33 gtst s1 sort of struggles after bosst kinda like its been held back restricted so to speak u guys got any idea what could be the problem??
  10. ok Turbotech boost controller arrived today it took me about 5 mins or less fitting it and about 10-15 mins playing with it.. Big improvement bboost comes on alote smother.. its set for 10psi which drops to 9psi coming to redline good item id recomend it to anyone for $30 u cant go wrong =D
  11. Thanx for the info once again mad =D yea ive heard nuthing but good things from this torbotech brand and for the price i thought it was worth it
  12. I might leave the nistune aside as i dont want to waste 400 on it atm ive got plans for the future for this car and think id be better off waiting till i can get an aftermarket ecu or a microtech that way i have full tuneability.. But thanx for the info. So ill need to dyno my car after fitting the boost bleeder?
  13. sorry m8 i dont quite understand??
  14. thanx for the advise ill aim for 10psi =D
  15. hmm sounds good i just got a turbotech version so ill try to set it up for 10-12 ps1 thanx m8 =D
  16. Hey guys im just wondering what is the safe limit other then the standard 7psi to run on my ECR33. Im thinking of boosting to mayb 10psi for a quicker spool getting a lil bored with the 7. I havent got much done to the car just intercooler and 3" exhaust. Can anyone lend a newbie some advise? Id rather ask to be safe then going stupid and hurting my car.
  17. Hey guys its all good now thanks for the info it turned out to be an over boost problem due to the incorect setup of the acctuator i took it to autotech in granvile and found that the actuator was not hooked up to the plenum it was just running to the BOV return valve apparently this is comon these days they call it a ticking time bomb. Some idiots out there when they sell there turboed cars especialy skylines to new owners puposely set it up to over boost and in due time of driving the turbo and engine will fail i got lucky..... IM URGING ANY PERSON WHO IS THINKING ABOUT BUYING A SKYLINE OR ANY TURBOCHARGED CAR TO TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THE SET UP MAKE SURE THE ACCTUATOR IS HOOKED UP TO THE PLENUM MOST NORMAL MECHANICS WONT REALISE THIS SO I THOUGHT ID LET U KNOW JUST INCASE THE WORST HAPPENS.. BY THE WAY I GAVE THE SELLER AN EARFULL PROBABLY WASNT WORTH THE ENERGY BECAUSE HE DENIED IT HE MAY NOT HAVE KNOWN BUT SERZ UD REALISE SUMTHING WRONG AFTER HAVING IT FOR SO LONG ID LIKE TO THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR INFO BECAUSE I DID TRY ALL THESE TRICKS U GUYS TAUGHT ME AND IF I DIDNT I WOULD NOT HAVE RESOLVED THIS PROBLEM AND U GUYS SAVED MY ENGINE LOL TC
  18. are they expensive? the ignition moduels?
  19. Hey guys i need a Stock R33-R32 GTST boost actuator as ive been told mine is fried anyone got one for sale in NSW?
  20. hey man sounds like your onto something i have the same problem im new to the turbo scene so hear me out. I get the cut of problem around the 4000RPM - 5000ROM mark i watch my boost gauge and it cuts at 15psi i went to Autotech in granvile and they told me to adjust the acctuator i had a look at it today and it doesnt seem adjustable. U reckon i should source out a new acctuator??
  21. ok well next week im off work for 1 week ill rip out the interior and see whats going on thanx for the help guys i appreciate it. hope its not the heater core i hear they are hard to find these days ahh well i could always bypass it again like the last owner
  22. bump** anyone ?? lol
  23. could the smell come from in the radiator because it doesnt look like it has had coolent in a while i bout this car recently. if i flush the radiator would that help to clear the smell and no guys i assure u i dont have any leaks from anywaher ive looked at all the hosses there isnt even any signs of a leak
  24. ok when climate control is of i get a faint smell now and then but when its on boom the smell smaks ya in the face also i need to fix that damn vent motor clicks everytime i start the engine i know there is a DIY on here.... Can the heater box be opened and cleaned??
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