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    Andrian Tilvanoiu

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  1. Sell Paladin with Shadowmourne-Rare Mounts-Titles-6720 GearScore-9000+ Achiv Points Sell Paladin with Shadowmourne-Rare Mounts-Titles-6720 GearScore-9000+ Achiv Points Dual Spec (PvE Ret and PvP Ret) Six 310% Flyers 450 Engineering (with many rare engineering items including jeeves and transponders) 450 Blacksmithing (Tons of rare patterns from TBC and WotLK) 450 Cooking, Fishing, and First Aid More than 9,000 Achievement Points Titles the Kingslayer the Undying the Diplomat the Exalted the Argent Champion the Astral Walker Salty Starcaller Ambassador Bloodsail Admiral Brewmaster Champion of the Frozen Wastes Champion of the Naaru Chef Crusader Elder Flame Keeper Guardian of Cenarius Hand of A'dal Jenkins Merrymaker Patron Twilight Vanquisher of Orgrimmar of Sen'jin of Thunder Bluff of the Ashen Verdict of the Nightfall of the Undercity the Explorer the Hallowed the Love Fool the NoBLE the Patient the Pilgrim over 100 mounts, here are some highlights: Very rare mounts: Ashes of Al'ar Amani War Bear Crimson Deathcharger Sea Turtle X-53 Touring Rocket Ironbound Proto-Drake Rusted Proto-Drake Plagued Proto-Drake Raven son of rajab Red Dragonhawk Somewhat rare: Red Drake Red Proto-Drake Swift White Hawkstrider Swift Zhevra Violet Proto-Drake Argent Charger Mechano-hog Albino Drake Twilight Drake Black Drake Blue Proto-Drake Bronze Drake Brewfest Ram (60% and 100%) Great Brewfest Kodo Celestial Steed Cenarion War Hippogryph Both engineer Flying Machines All Netherdrakes All Nether Rays All AQ Battle Tanks All Talbuks All Horde Faction Mounts Some awesome and rare items: Carved Ogre Idol (Turns you into an ogre for 10 minutes, 10 minute cooldown) Tabard of the Lightbringer (Shadowmourne quest tabard, makes you glow bright light) Muradin's Favor (Shadowmourne quest item, turns you into a frost dwarf for 10 minutes) Jaina's Locket (Creates a portal to Dalaran) Sylvanas' Music Box (Summons Banshees that sing Sylvanas' song) Precious's Ribbon (shirt that gives you a buff) Blessed Medallion of Karabor (Teleports you to Black Temple) Direbrew's Remote (Teleports yourself and your party to BRD) Titanium Seal of Dalaran (a coin you can toss) Archmage Vargoth's Staff (Summons an image of Archmage Vargoth) The Schools of Arcane Mage - Mastery (Teleports you to the Violet Citadel in Dalaran) Romantic Picnic Basket (summons a picnic) Toy Train Set and Wind up Trainer Wrecker Bloodsail Admiral's set Brewfest Pony Keg (summons a keg that you can click for beer) Brazier of Dancing Flames (summons a nifty dancing flame) Haunted Momento (a ghost follows you around with it's in your bag) The Scepter of the Shifting Sands (Last quest item for the aq gates quest, incase the gates bug out again like they have before, you can bang the bong and get the black aq mount and scarab son of rajab title) Interesting gear/weapons: Shadowmourne Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros Ashkandi, Sword of the Brotherhood Apolyon, the Soul-Render Arcanite Ripper Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds Vanquished Tentacle of C'thun Defender of the Timbermaw Full T2, T7 ret, T8.5 ret, t9.5 ret, t10.5 ret Full Herald of the Titans gear set A ton of other interesting Vanity gear and items All Service Avaible : - Transfer Caracter - Change Name - Change Sex - Change Faction - Change Race - Never dont got any Problem with this Account (Never Bann or Used any Hacks Programs) Messenger>>> [email protected]
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