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Everything posted by Sunkist

  1. Tl;dr - I turned left instead of right
  3. looks great! they aren't actually off a focus RS right? lol
  4. Lol dyslexia! Since when does left mean right?
  5. Lol "NewB's" cruise. Everyone in attendance are newbies.. Cute
  6. touch f**king wood then! but my car hardly see's road anyway. i have a missus that takes me everywhere lol lol its on his phone.. looks like the same mistake i made at sandown faster, faster .... CORNER FAAAAAAAARRKKKKK lol
  7. Lol should see the video.. Almost looked like he just decided to turn left instead of right
  8. Yeh he obviously doesn't have the cleanest driving record.. And about the cigar.. Romanian neighbour bought some in in flavours of like cola rasberry etc. they came in corked test tubes. Looked awesome
  9. expensive isn't it?? question(i'm unaware): do you actually breathe it in?
  10. if you say so. lol how was it a vehement defense? questions were asked, I answered. true? not my fault unsuccessful trolls are unsuccessful
  11. yes but for the car it is, its practical. i didnt modify it to be a two door, or make it orange. when I bought it, the car was practical for my current needs at the time. I didnt work at Mercedes - and i didnt really have a want for four doors. now I work at mercedes(changed circumstance) and would like to now have more doors(personal change?), I would like another car. car doesn't have any attention.. Just because its orange doesn't make it attentive. i didnt modify it to be impractical. but for Billy to go lower it could equal = impractical. its always a contest! its a neat paint job, why would I ruin it?
  12. Lol yeh not because of the colour. Plus the colour has nada to do with the practicality of the car. I win
  13. I'm not the cause of the car being orangs
  14. It's a prefect track/practical height. Why would you want to go lower and scrape every stone on the ground? Lol
  15. Thats exactly what I was thinking of when I typed it lol
  16. . Or worms.
  17. You know your REALLY whipped when your woman has you believing you're not whipped at all..
  18. "I'll justh Hav the sthalad"
  19. Now we know the female of your house
  20. I've admitted it before and I'll admit it again. I'm whipped lol SW ft...pole
  21. this man knows i make a barricade of pillows.. works a treat. until i get back handed for it lol
  22. more like 15 minutes.
  23. STANCE|WORKS eagerly awaits for moh to cry in protection of GAY|WORKS
  24. also found mohs friends on youtube.
  25. i would leave it with a friend, fly back. borrow a friend with a car that has the ability to tow and a car trailor(if not hire one) pay your friend to drive down(should be cheaper than a towy) pick up, drive back! if your really trying to avoid cost that is.
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