Ide help out but I'm in SE subs. Just undo the rear bolts holding on the front face of the caliper and try and in seize it. You should be able to. Then just do em back up. Might get you to where u need to be, and if it does un seize then atleast if it f**ks up on the way u can do a quick temp fix.
But I seriously wouldnt be driving it. If the brake is clamping your going to have some serious heat issues and break something
You can try by undoing the bolts on the back of the caliper that hold the front face on, but if it is one of the shafts, chances of getting it back together without attempting to straighten it is minimal..
Sounds like one of the shafts that guide the brakes closed is bent. You'd need a new caliper, i wouldn't try to straighten the shaft you'll never get it straight.. Good luck