I'de day its a social norm, but thats my opinion. i see people going for walks with friends. gyms etc because its another way to socialise.
Agreed it is to take advantage of another market, but tell me if you dont see "Mcdonald, we're making it healthy" styled advert. It does wonders to their brand. people start thinking, Mcdonalds care about the public, they stopped using fatty canola oil. Things are made fresh, they have healthy options. Its a Major lift for their Brand, and thats how they attract a different group of market. I can get salad from safeways, but what is Mcdonalds doing that makes people want to buy their salad. its more expensive(dont come on and say flavours etc Im talking metaphorically)
Yeh perhaps not many knew about Mcdonalds having the tick, but those people that didnt are probably the fat ones. Im sure that a lot more people will be like 'Mcdonalds lost the tick what a shit business" than MCdonalds got a tick well done mcdonalds.
There are more complaints then compliments. it all comes down to the brand damage that holds a business. and thats why business change. they wont feed fuel to a fire they dont want.