got around to fixing my oil leak yesterday.
drained the oil, pulled off the filter.
used a 22mm deep socket to get the plate off.
I dunno if it is just mine, but it was close to being blocked with a whole bunch of gunk. as if the oil have become almost greasy mud. to be honest i dont how oil was actually travelling through..
any way.. cleaned it all up ended up talking almost half a palm full of gunk out.. put it all back together with a new Greddy filter. and filled it with sougi.
once the car was warm enough after about 10-15min of driving, i gave it some Gas.. and found out my tunes is all over the place again and lean? didnt think it would make this much of a difference..
being cleaned i know ive free'd up the oil flow alot and the engine obviously. and at Idle, the car sound 200% better than it did 3 days ago.. and every other time i've done a service...
this could also be half the reason my turbo kept blowing lol
what is everyones thought? perhaps you should all check yours???
Cam/Craig/Iain: Please dont take the piss out of this my uncle just died so im really not in the mood.