I am wndering if any of you turbo guru's out there might be able to enlighten me on if this seems like a good idea?
Now the GT2860RS discopotateo has had a good rap from what I have heard especialy on an RB20.
Now I am asking this as my brother unfornately became another victim of the ceramic wheel of his vg30 turbo that was on his RB20 (R32).
So we were thinking of doing this for a few resons.
1) The turbo will still look stock
2) The disco potateo seems to be a sweet turbo on smaller displacement motors
3) The vg rear housing will loosen up the power at the top end.
Now will this make it too laggy down low?
All so could anyone out ther be able to tell me what the A/rs are for the rear housings on the 3 different sized nissan turbos. (VG30/R34_Rb25, RB25, RB20).
Now I don't know alot about turbos aprt from there basic pricipals etc so I am sorry if I sound silly.
Thanx guys. B)