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Everything posted by cameron

  1. Some one didnt let them bed in properly 30psi, 500rwhp on arias piston... they work!
  2. HKS have 2 sites http://www.hksusa.com & http://www.hks-power.co.jp/products/turbo/hanyo/index.html
  3. Its on the HKS website.
  4. He was most likey refering to the Garrett turbo, you can get a HKS GT-RS for around $2,700 these days.
  5. Handyandy, Yes the turbo is rated at 400ps, as we all know HKS like to under rate thier products but it maybe possible. Yes thizzle did get 300rwks but he does have a factory internal engine with bigger cams and the rest to suit. I will let you know how we go with a GT-RS on a rebuilt engine, PFC & Z32 aswel.
  6. You dont start at WOT if doing it in second.
  7. What RPM does this engine make 30psi?
  8. I've seen a T517z I think with the smaller housing's run 370rwkw's on 1.8bar, engine was built, big cams ported heads etc... Forgot to mention that on this engine they were laggy coming in at around 5,000 - 5,500rpm
  9. HKS GT-RS can give good results if set up well. Its a direct bolt on nothing needs to be modified. They can run upto 1.6 bar easily, A gold R33 not to long ago ran just over 300rwks on 1.4bar.
  10. What size are the factory RB20 inj?
  11. JUN 272's are you'r friend...
  12. Best to take it to a mechanic if your not sure. To get the cams out, means removing the rad, harmonic balancer, timing belt etc... I problery wouldnt worrie about it inless you start getting symptoms of the engine running like crap - shouldnt happen tho. Even some times pumping up the lifters like shanef explained doesnt always work so the best option would be to get new ones if your that concerned:o
  13. Crower rods are strong
  14. If the new dump pipe doesnt fix it then you still got the same proble we do... Tried dumping exhaust at end of dump pipe, did have a split wastegate on it and got rid of that and made a custom one, still no different. Thought their was somthing wrong with the standard turbo, got a new hks one which came with hks actuator. Still creeps! The hose to the actuator comes from the compressor housing, also tried from the plenum...
  15. This is the second RB25 i have ever seen do this. We have tried everything aswel, even new HKS turbo, still creeps! 1st thing would be to get a aftermarket ECU so you dont have the fuel cut happening... and new AFM. Z32 & FC would be fine. Try disconecting the wastegate arm off the flap and leave it wide open, 1 would think that it would make no more than 7psi at 7,000rpm. We also tried this and got 15psi??? Creep starts to happen always at around 4,500 - 5,500 rpm, and keeps making boost like a super charger. I would like to know the answer to you question aswel.
  16. Comedy!
  17. cameron


  18. You go try both cuts on your skyline and tell me which one works the best.
  19. IGN cut is safer for the engine. If theirs no spark then theirs going to be nothing happening intil the plug fires again which is ms away. If you cut fuel they may stil be enough fuel vapor in the cylinder to ignite which mostly can cause detonation... remembering this is all happening at 7000rpm.
  20. What boost level can the T04z be run at 30psi or does that require the 1.00ex housing?
  21. Maybe he got obducted? Take some photo's...
  22. And? Tell us more about the engine.
  23. Should get closer towards 210rwkwmark with nice afr's...
  24. Adrian is right, I've got an eg: R33 GTS-T around 270rwkw's... Run at willobank: Street tires best time: 13.4 @ 118mph with 2.2 60fter same car differnt track, and i know their are variables with air temps and what have you but the car was tuned in brisbane. Townsville Drag way: - shit traction so we have old set of MT street radial, best time: 12.5 @ 116mph with 2.0 60fter.
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