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  1. As the description says is it legal to have an older engine in a newer chassis? I always thought it was illegal but maybe they have changed the laws or i had just recieved bad information (though im pretty sure i read it in HPI, well PI now, or some similar mag).
  2. So where is some new info on this car? 5 odd months later and its still not finished?
  3. Why is that? I thought it was only if you where running say 17's on front and 18's on back not a difference in width.
  4. What state you in? Interested but you dont say where the car is
  5. Thanks for the info guys. Im worried now about the whole imports mileage being wound back thing does anyone know if its as easy to wind back the digital type ones like in an S15? Just not sure if they are mechanical still which then converts too digital on the cluster. Guess it would have to be mechanical still somewhere though? If i go the GTR route i guess i might find the best one i can and see if i can get owner to meet me at a reputable workshop and get them to check it over or even dyno it, might get expensive but still cheaper then buying a dud. And for those that asked no i dont want it as a track car, just a fun street car. May consider tracking it (circuit or drag) later but would get a decent rebuild if i was gonna go that way.
  6. Thanks guys. Yeah im still abit unsure of what way to go, guess ille just havta get out there and look at a bunch of cars and see what i can find.
  7. Thanks for the answer, Thats a worry that so many have there clocks wound back. I spose just looking at the condition of the car overall is probably the only real way of guessing how many k's are really on it then. And yes i realize the cheaper cars would probably be worse condition but ide happily spend more on a GTR then an S15 if i can find one that is in good condition and im looking for one as standard as possible so that should hopefully help keep the cost down abit. Anything i should especially be looking for to stay away from? And do many imports come with log books and would you trust them anyway?
  8. Im looking to upgrade my S14 and am looking for some info. I was planning on buying an S15 as ide prefer a 2000+ model but after looking on carsales there are a number of R33 GTR's falling into the same 15-20k range as an S15. Obviously they are slightly older but well its a GTR.....thats really all that needs to be said. What are the maintenance costs like when compared with an S15 would it really be that much more expensive assuming nothing major like a blown engine happens? Obviously a few phone calls to some insurance companies will answer this but while im asking questions does anyone have any idea what the differences in cost for full insurance would be? Im 27 and have never made a claim before. If there is anyone out there a similar age ect ide be interested in what you pay and who your with even if you just PM it to me. Car would basically just end up with some nice wheels, coilovers and exhaust for the first year or so till i pay it off if that makes much difference And alot of the ads on carsales (like 95%) claim under 100,000k's how seriously should i take that? I will almost certainly stay away from anything with a changed cluster like the Nismo ones ect but is there anything in particular i should be looking for (other then the usual seat, steering wheel ect wear) that will give me an idea of whether they are genuine or not? Any help appreciated.
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