Today i got the following done
- took 350z seats out and gave them a good scrub.
- As the passenger side seat pressure sensor is hardwired on m35s, i installed a airbag plug for easy removal next time i have to remove the seats.
- Installed the brake cut mod at the auto gear lever so when in park it closes the pressure switch.
- I picked up a front drivers door to replace mine from someone running into it a while ago. Just needs a respray as the paint is not the best but atleast its straight
- I also sourced the orange interior panels and centre console to go with my 350z seats and to upgrade to the aircon vents being in the rear of the centre console for rear passengers. (You will see in the pic i got a rear boot roof panel not hacked to bits)
Tomorrow i will be installing the drivers door and replacing the top steering column cover due to old boost gauge install.