Hey mate ive completed this and what a .... of a job it is. Ok 1st take off the inside boot carpet untill you can see motor. On bottom off boot where it latches there are 3 star screws that have to be removed. On inside off boot cover there are 3 bolts from memory that. Need to be removed aswell. Next you need to pop out the outsude boot panel a little bit as there is a support mount with 2 bolts in there. This bit is really fiddly.No you dont need to remove the whole panel. Next you will have to unclip wires and seperate the boot latch
inside the boot door to remove. To fit new replacement you will have to seperate unit into 2 and reverse the last previous steps to install. The support in lower outside boot panel i didnt bother re installing as it was too anoying. Hope this helps. Its a anoying and fiddly job but well worth the effort . I hated opening boot via inside latch before i did this.