Hey guys had a slight printing problem with the entry forms.
If you want to enter you can do 1 of two things.
1.wait for entry from will be emailed out asap. (Sorry for the inconvenience)
2.reply in thread or pm your details and can be entered that way.
Details needed are: -
1.Full Name
3.Licence No.
4.Full Address inc Post Code
5.Contact Number
6.Email Address
7.Vehicle Details-Year, Make, Model, Colour & Body Shape
8.Audio Details-Woofer Brand, Size & Quantity
We have also decided to run amp classes now as well.
Classes are as follows
Street A - 0-750wrms
Street B - 751-1500wrms
Street C - 1501-2500wrms
Open Class - 2501wrms and over
Cheers Ben