Hi guys,
I am quite interested in buying one of 250Gt/300GT, but havn't seen many topics about 250GT or 300GT sedan around, are these not popular? well, certainly 350GT coupe is more popular than these sedans, but the problem is that I am still on P plate and RTA says 350GT is prohibited for p-plate drivers :(
I have few questions here:
1. 250GT/300GT is the same as 350GT, all of them are rear-wheel drive, just talking about the driving experience, do they feel the same except 250GT/300Gt have less power?
2. 350GT share some parts with local 350Z or maxima, what about 250GT/300GT?
3. any figures about 250GT/300GT performance e.g 0-100 km/h, and fuel consumption?
if you have driven one of these sedans, please share some experience. anyhelp will be really appreciated... :thanks: