At compliance they will not touch diff, coolant, power-brake-auto fluid etc. best to get it done yourself with the fluids of your choice. In Japan they dont think long term, maybe 5 years max for their cars. Some things need to be changed immediately.
Also consider that 83000 japanese kms is probably equivalent to 160000 oz kms or more, as most of their driving is 2nd, 3rd gear in traffic.
My Japanese wife recently imported her 97 Pajero GDI owned since new, 48000kms, the diff lsd clutch packs had disintergrated, injectors were gunked up, auto was full of sludge....and i was shocked to find the original mitsubishi oil filter rusted on, she had it serviced every 10k, even the mechanics over their dont think long term. $2000 later it runs like new.