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Everything posted by Aussie_Delivered_R32_GTR

  1. Hi Terry, Our family has 3 cars registered in December and 2 in November.... Does this mean I can remove the stickers on 1.1.2013? I thought I'd need to keep them on till next year? Cheers, Bob.
  2. Cool....... I just looked back at your post (655 I think) ...... Looks like it gets out and about a bit. I didn't see the owner but my mate did and said he looked like a "mature gentleman"...... Explains why the radio head unit is still there! ;) ;) Bob.
  3. Hey guys, Look what I found today. Build number 24... I cross checked the VIN. I went to Eastern Creek Raceway today to have a look at the Tasman Revival events and found this in the car park. Initially I just thought it was a nice JDM worthy of a look but then I got all excited when I saw the roof aerial. Another ADM for the list on the assumption we don't have it. If the owner is on the forum I'd love to hear from you. The only mods I could see was an upgraded exhaust and rear speakers. The head unit was the OEM ADM Clarion. Cheers, Bob. PS: I've just noticed it carries a Sandersons (Mercedes) plate frame which is spooky.... I've just bought a car from them 2 weeks ago!
  4. Ok....... The attached pics are the best I can do at this stage....... You should also buy this book if you haven't already got it. It's a good read: http://www.pitstop.n...query/plu/24532 Bob.
  5. Thanks mate..... Bob.
  6. Whats going on with all the lines through the text? FIXED - Sorry....
  7. The car is still on Carpoint and I'm buggered if I know why. http://www.carpoint....id=1391C0E143CC When I was looking around this time last year and bought my JDM in February, there was nothing but junk around. I've spent a sh1tload on my car which I've finally finished restoring but it owes me bucket loads more than this car. The longer it's on there, the more tarnished it gets. It's a shame because from what I've heard it's a good car. Bob.
  8. Yes the reception is poor through the aerial in the front screen and even worse when you run a band expander as I do (in my JDM) as I have the original radio cassette in there. The ADM's got the Bosch centre roof aerial matched with the upgraded stereo system from the Maxima. Works heaps better, no comparison. Bob.
  9. Thanks mate...... Unfortunately it hasn't led to any feedback. Maybe it will now. Bob.
  10. Sorry mate, I did mean SAU Nationals....... I dug up a few bits of correspondence which presumably will suffice. See you all there! Cheers, Bob.
  11. Hey Guys, I'm going to drive down early on Sunday morning as I'm only entering the Show and Shine. Do I need to register beforehand or go somewhere particular? I've paid my $5 but don't recall getting anything back? I've been very busy lately so I do apologise if I've missed something. Thanks, Bob.
  12. Looks good....... Great colour that! :action-smiley-069: :action-smiley-069:
  13. Nah.... Your car mate you do with it as you see fit. I went on a pretty impressive run last Sunday with the Ferrari and Lamborghini Clubs to Patonga Beach. There was literally millions on dollars worth of cars gathered and as my 328 is currently getting a major service, I took the JDM R32. I had quite a few of these guys all over my car complimenting how original it was. Most of them had never seen one with an original exhaust or radio cassette player. Anyway, each to their own, the only thing that matters is that you are happy with it. Just make sure you keep all the original bits safely stored. Here are some pics...... Enjoy. Bob.
  14. Sorry mate .. I've just read your original post. Somehowe I've missed it. We don't normally ignore people here. The handbook is OK....... It's a direct copy, actually a re-print of what we got for the ADM cars. I don't know why it's so expensive but in the big picture you should have one. I bought one for my 1990 JDM. Just remember that it won't cover the V Spec features etc. Post up some pics of your car please I love seeing stock R32's. Cheers, Bob.
  15. Sure does...... They only get better with age. As we preserve and maintain our cars, others deteriorate and decay. Interesting stat for you.... On January 1 this year, there were 66 R32 GT-R's for sale across Australia. Today there are 52. Interesting to see the trend over the next year or two. Cheers, Bob.
  16. Great pics mate....... Well done. Bob.
  17. Thanks mate, I'll give him a call...... Cheers, Bob.
  18. Hey guys, I need a good mobile aircon guy that may cover the hills area. OR....... If anyone knows someone in this area I should take the car to. I want someone who knows R32 aircons. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Regards, Bob.
  19. Hi Guys, Sorry I coyuldn't stay on for lunch, I had commitments back home. Anyway, here are a couple of pics before I left........... Bob.
  20. 100% correct........ From what I can tell, they had about 5-6 of these pre-release vehicles. Cheers, Bob.
  21. Tell him to bring the grey VW....... LOL. I may as well come along too. Bob.
  22. Car are fun eh! Good luck with it all though....... My daughters little Pulsar did that, makes a mess doesn't it!
  23. To play it safe I would ask for a letter from the finance company clearly showing what the owing amount is. This is normally refereed to as the payout figure. In addition to this figure, the letter will also state valid up to a particular date. Now, if the seller is overdue on his repayments there may be a daily interest rate penalty although most companies adjust this monthly. I wouldn't not buy a car because of this but I would want to talk to the finance company to confirm the numbers before handing over the money. Good Luck! Bob.
  24. OK........ Cool.. Thanks for that. I haven't heard anything though. Bob.
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