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Everything posted by Aussie_Delivered_R32_GTR

  1. The Classic Throttle Shop has a huge collector following. Most collectors like to remain anonymous and only choose to deal with people they have dealt with before and want the security of knowing the car that they are buying is legitimate with some comeback if the deal goes pear shaped. I simply didn't want to go through the heartache of dealing with morons when trying to sell that type of car. If the car was any other colour than yellow it would have been worth $5K less so I needed to target it to that cliental base. Collectors want turn key cars, they don't want to have to do anything. If you want to modify your car that's fine but convert it back to stock BEFORE you try to sell it if that's the market you are aiming at. If you want to sell it to an enthusiast for whom performance is the be all and end all then that's fine but that guy isn't going to pay the big bucks. Three things fuelled the Australian Muscle Car scene 10 years ago......... Firstly Mark Oastler launched a dedicated Magazine called The Australian Muscle Car Magazine in 2002. 1st issues were bringing over $200 in 2004. Within 6 months of the release of this magazine, my mate and I registered the Australian Muscle Car Club of NSW which brought together enthusiasts of the 3 major brands, Holden Ford and Chrysler. One needs to remember that these guys hated each other when it came to cars. We were told that we were crazy and it would never work. Well ..... after 12 months we had over 200 members and the club was booming. It actually became very difficult to co-ordinate as the numbers participating at events was huge. The third factor was the internet. A lot of people were going online and joining up. To be able to communicate with so many people in such an easy way was phenomenal. The major Car Clubs hated us as they felt threatened with what we were able to achieve in such a short time. Our objective was never to "pinch" members but to enhance the hobby. Falcon GT guys loved going on cruises with Torana XU-1's and A9X's etc etc. Every time a Shannons auction came on a new record was being posted. I can tell you some stories of a consortium of Greek guys that basically bought EVERY GTHO Phase 3 that came up for auction. There were 8 of them and they owned 13 cars between them. So…. If they paid $100,000 over the odds on a car it didn't matter because it automatically increased the value of the 13 they already had. It was a simply scam that was always going to burst. Sure enough when the Labour government won in 2007 many of us thought it was the right time to bail. I could rewrite War and Peace being in the thick of things back then but it's probably best left to chat about over a beer one day. One last thing on the anal lengths some of these guys went to was to duplicate paint run in the boot! Cheers, Bob.
  2. Hi Guys, As I've mention in previous posts, I was very active in the Australian Muscle Car scene from 2002-2007. I was the co-founder of the Australian Muscle Car Club of NSW and worked with various organisations in watching the market explode and prices going through the roof before bursting in 2007/08. The one bit of advice I will give and people can deal with it as they like is this..... The biggest factor that enhances the value of a collector car is ORIGINALITY. No ifs buts or maybes. I just sold my 1994 BMW M3 in Dakar Yellow to a collector via The Classic Throttle Shop in North Sydney. They sold it for $28,000. If I would have listed it on CarPoint or Carsales for that type of money I would never have got a call on it. They sold it in 6 days. The car was 100% original with very substantial documentation and a winner of last years BMW Show of Excellence. When you combine rarity, condition, originality and providence you have a sure fire recipe for success in securing a good sale. The Falcon GTHO Phase 3's that sold during the boom for $500,000.00+ were all excellent cars ticking all the appropriate boxes. Please remember this .......... The person who will pay big dollars for a collector car will know very little about what he is buying. They simply seek guidance from a respected and legitimate authority validating the originality of the car. Performance is NOT what motivates collectors. Ferrari's that sell for millions of dollars would be blown off by $15,000 WRX's in a straight line or race tracks. On a scale of 1-10 I knew about a 3 when I bought my car exactly 12 months ago. I learned a lot over this time so I'd like to think I'm around an 8 now. Enthusiasts like those who post here won't pay big dollars for a car that is fundamentally the same as a JDM car but 3 times the price. Of all the marques that will suffer from this issue, the Skylines will be worst hit because of the demographic of the people buying these cars. They are a young person's car. I'm 49 years old and on many occasions I've been asked if my car is actually my son's car! The collector who is 50+ (sort of like me) remembers these cars dominate the ATCC in their heyday and respect their achievements. They are not interested in buying A $20K JDM that has very little history the same way a 25 year old is not interested in paying $60K plus for an ADM in years to come. Two totally different markets. I've had this debate many many times over the last 10 years and its particularity difficult to have in this environment because the modding of Skylines is so extensive. At the end of the day, it's your car and you can do with it as you like but if your primary objective is to maximise the value of your car then keep it as original as you can. Cheers..........Bob.
  3. Sorry..... minor hicup..... all good now. - http://s1203.photobu...ton%20Victoria/ Bob.
  4. Yep........ Sorry about that. This one does - http://s1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb385/Scoobiesteve/SAU%20Nationals%202011%20at%20Shepparton%20Victoria/ Bob.
  5. Sorry guys, new link - http://s1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb385/Scoobiesteve/SAU%20Nationals%202011%20at%20Shepparton%20Victoria/ Bob.
  6. Go and see Ernie at Merv Newby Smash Repairs (02 9684 7923) in South Street Rydalmere. Great guy, has some terrific cars himself and he head hunted some of the best workers from various prestige repairers. Porsche, BMW, Mercedes and Aston Martin certified. Tell him Bob with the Aussie R32 GTR sent you. I promise you won't be disappointed. Good Luck, Bob.
  7. OK...... try again. Bob. http://s1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb385/Scoobiesteve/SAU%20Nationals%202011%20at%20Shepparton%20Victoria/
  8. I've posted these in a few different threads but here they are if you have missed them............... A shedload of pics here.......... http://s1203.photobu...ton%20Victoria/ Bob.
  9. A shedload of pics here.......... http://s1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb385/Scoobiesteve/Skyline%20Nationals%202011%20at%20Shepparton%20Victoria/ Bob.
  10. A shedload of pics here.......... http://s1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb385/Scoobiesteve/Skyline%20Nationals%202011%20at%20Shepparton%20Victoria/ Bob.
  11. A shedload of pics here.......... http://s1203.photobucket.com/albums/bb385/Scoobiesteve/Skyline%20Nationals%202011%20at%20Shepparton%20Victoria/ Bob.
  12. Not at the moment but here's the forcast anyway........ http://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/shepparton.shtml Bob.
  13. Todays episode was an absolute beauty........... http://au.news.yahoo.com/today-tonight/latest/article/-/10819431/car-dealer-confrontation/ I have all 3 now on a DVD. Do you think it's something that people would enjoy at the Legends dinner? If so and providing we can get a player hooked up to their TV's I happy to bring it along. Thoughts? Bob.
  14. LOL..... That shan't be happening.... :cheers:
  15. So a two seater is no good?
  16. Looks great..... Thanks for posting. Bob.
  17. Pleasure ....... I can't find tonights story but there wasn't much on . Basically just a recap anyway. Bob.
  18. For those who missed last nights episode you can find it here........ http://au.news.yahoo.com/today-tonight/video/ Just scroll down to Grand Scam Auto. Cheers, Bob.
  19. LOL........... I did that with the Mentalist. I love that show. Missed the first 30 minutes! :rant: :rant:
  20. I'm pretty sure they do. All pink slips are now electronically lodged with the RTA so I'm sure it will show up somewhere......... Bob.
  21. I had a blew with this arsehole about 3 years ago.... He told me and my 16 year old daughter (at the time) to f**k off out of his yard! I asked him he thought that was appropriate language in front of customers let alone my daughters age? Absolute prick! I hope he goes to gaol. Bob. PS: I have recorded it so after part 2 tomorrow, I'll upload it onto Youtube so anyone who missed it can see it.......
  22. Yeah..... got one on order from Japan so it's going to be a bit of a lottery as to its condition..... Bob.
  23. These are the best covers by a country mile........ http://www.covercraft-pacificshop.com/ Bob.
  24. No mate....... No vested interest at all. I just bought a few things off them in the past............... Bob.
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