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Everything posted by Aussie_Delivered_R32_GTR

  1. Yep, here they all are priced low to high..... In 5 years time when a $40K car is $80K people will tell you how they missed out on a bargain the same way as people who could have bought a nice car 18 months ago for $25K now has to pay $40K. Collector car market is very strong ATM. Bob. http://www.carpoint.com.au/all-cars/results.aspx?YearFromShort=1635&sortby=~Price&SearchAction=N&q=((((((Make%3d[Nissan]{%26}(Model%3d[Skyline]{%26}Badge%3d[GT-R])){|}(Make%3d[Nissan]{%26}(Model%3d[Skyline]{%26}Badge%3d[GT-R+V-Spec]))){|}(Make%3d[Nissan]{%26}(Model%3d[Skyline]{%26}Badge%3d[GT-R+V-Spec+II])))%26(((SiloType%3d[Dealer+used+cars]|SiloType%3d[Brand+new+cars+in+stock])|SiloType%3d[Demo+and+near+new+cars])|SiloType%3d[Private+seller+cars]))%26Service%3d[Carsales])%26Year%3drange[1980..1994])&YearToShort=1665&limit=12
  2. Congratulations on your purchase....... Welcome to the V-Spec Club! Mine says hello. Cheers........ Bob.
  3. Yes, Redline Lightweight Shockproof should make a world of difference.
  4. I think it just depends what's around at the time. Sometimes you are a lot better buying locally, other times importing may be the better option. The trick is to understand how the Japanese gradings work so when you look at a car locally you can say its a 3 or 3.5 or 4 etc. Once you know that you simply compare it similar cars in colour, milage and condition. Download this - http://prestigemotorsport.com.au/cost-calculators/ Search here - http://www.exportcar.jp/en/component/auctstat/?maker_id=2&model_id=330&year_from=1989&year_to=1994&engine_from=2600&engine_to=2700&transmission=&shift=&mileage_from=&mileage_to=&auction=&lot=&gradings=***%2C1%2C2%2C3%2C3.5%2C4%2C4.5%2C5%2CR%2CRA%2CS&mode=statsearch&sort_field=&sort_order=&limit=20&view=auctstat Armed with both websites you can be an informed buyer. Cheer, Bob.
  5. Here is an average 3.5 graded car that just sold for 2020000 yen. http://www.exportcar.jp/en/component/auctstat/?view=auctstatdetail&id=lwZh82xpiDCHJX6 Landed, complied and registered with stamp duty paid is just under A$37K. 18 months ago I sold a lovely gun metal grey car similar (but probably slightly better) to this car for $25K. Same car today $40K+. Times they are a changing! Bob.
  6. 100% correct........... There is "any old way" or the correct way!
  7. Just checked Amayama website, they want $551 for front mould set and $897 for rear mould set plus postage but both front and rear fastener sets are discontinued. This is a classic example of how important it is to get parts when you can because R32 parts are getting very hard to source. Bob.
  8. Yep...... Unfortunately these parts are getting very expensive: This is what you need, one of each. Then you need to pay to get an installer to fit them. Don't expect much change out of $2K for the lot fitted. I searched high and low from various suppliers to get a complete set 6 months ago and it owes me over $1300.00 plus fitting. Cheers, Bob. Front Windscreen Mould Set 72750-04U60 Front Windscreen Fastener Set 72725-04U19 Rear Windscreen Mould Set 79750-04U10 Rear Windscreen Fastener Set 79780-04U15
  9. I very much doubt it. Imagine what would happen to the car if it got hit at 40kph let alone 80kph if a jack could crack it. ADR (Australian Design Rules) are one of the strictest in the world. You have possibly cracked an inner mould or something.
  10. Fair enough, thanks for clarifying.
  11. Also note no air-conditioning or radio!
  12. No....... All dealer or aftermarket options. Hard to see but if you look closely the kph numbers stop in the normal position as the 180kph. Bob.
  13. I'm pretty sure the car is legit but it certainly doesn't present in a condition that suggests the low kms. The ad has been changed because previously he mentioned something about the speedometer being changed but the odometer mileage is genuine etc. It has a 260kph NISMO speedo which is not standard. The 180kph's were fitted to these cars. The blued out seats and dash bubble concern me. That said, if it is genuine unquestionable mileage these issues can be sorted for a couple of thousand dollars. If it were local I'd be interested but got burnt with airfare costs on the 16,000 kms car for sale about 16 months ago. I was told it was 100% factory original yet told the then seller that I have a paint thickness gauge and anything over about 100 microns will confirm it's been painted and I won't be interested. He swore black and blue it never had paint etc..... ALL panels except roof and bonnet were painted! 350-600 microns EVERYWHERE! Was a shit job! Long story, don't get me started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. What State are you in?
  15. No....... I'm in Sydney. I document the ads and noticed it sold on December 23........ Slightly higher kms but V-Spec and V-Spec II are commanding a premium. Are you happy with it? Bob.
  16. Was it the Silver 1993 V-Spec?
  17. Was it one of the other two here - http://www.carpoint.com.au/all-cars/results.aspx?YearFromShort=1635&SearchAction=N&q=(((((((Make%3d[Nissan]%26(Model%3d[Skyline]%26Badge%3d[GT-R]))|(Make%3d[Nissan]%26(Model%3d[Skyline]%26Badge%3d[GT-R+V-Spec])))|(Make%3d[Nissan]%26(Model%3d[Skyline]%26Badge%3d[GT-R+V-Spec+II])))%26Service%3d[Carsales])%26Year%3drange[1980..1994])%26SiloType%3d[Dealer+used+cars])%26State%3d[South+Australia])&YearToShort=1665&sortby=LastUpdated Ta....... Bob.
  18. In NRMA's defence, hundreds, if not thousands of enthusiasts have their car insured under this scheme. Not once in 3 years have I heard of NRMA "stiffing" a policy holder. Please believe me, I have a huge circle of acquaintances within 5 car clubs. Not one bad word about them. Sure, someone will always complain about getting a rough deal but generally speaking it's their own fault. I've been with them for well over 25 years and they have always paid out when required. Not only have they paid out, they have been very polite and understanding. Our house got struck by lightening 4 years ago and took out a heap of electronics. Within 3 weeks and $16,000 later, all was replaced and back to normal. Cheers......... Bob.
  19. Page 18.......... https://www.nrma.com.au/sites/nrma/files/nrma/policy_booklets/vvc_car_pds_0916_all.pdf Bob
  20. I too spoke to them this morning and as I suspected it's all about common sense. I noted the young ladies name whom I spoke to (very helpful and knowledgable) and asked her to log my enquiry on their CRM. That way at least there is record of this being discussed QUESTIONS............. Can I go to my local shops buy some milk and come home within a short period of time? YES............. Of course I can. Can I drive it to Roselands Shopping Centre, arrive at 8;30am, spend the day there and come back and find the car missing at 5:00pm... Am I covered? Possibly not, I wouldn't risk it! Can I go for a drive up the Old Pacific Hwy for breakfast on any Sunday morning in convoy with 4 mates at 7;00am... Absolutely I can! The bottom line is don't do anything that may suggest the car was being used for anything other than recreational purposes. Parking it all day at a train station is not a good idea either. As I said, it's all about common sense. I would also recommend you keep your rego papers (Pink Slip in NSW) that has the milage recorded annually to validate the low kms. Cheers, Bob.
  21. The car looks great. Nice and original with original Japanese books. Original 3 keys, nice tidy engine bay, original wheels and suspension height. Original rear speakers and no ADR side blinkers. I think the N1 kit is tacky, leave the front bar but remove the front and rear spoilers as they seem badly warped anyway. I'd replace the front spoiler with an OEM non painted one, and source a factory battery box. Other than that, visually you appear to have a spot on car. Just check to see if it has the dreaded dash bubble, $1000 now for a straight bubble free dash in used condition and about $500 or a days labour to fit and swap them around. Good luck with it, you could buy a whole lot worse! Cheers, Bob.
  22. Excellent read, thanks for sharing....... Bob.
  23. Opposite here in Sydney..... Stinking hot, heatwave, about F95o today but up to F108o tomorrow..... Bob.
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