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Everything posted by whitenight27

  1. haha yer found that out. not like i need them thow maby the gf will haha
  2. I have not done mine yet but i would not think it will be 33gtr more like 33gtst. I would look in to trying find out about some s14 stuff as i have seen that some of it will fit a stag if u need fronts i have done them and could not find some that are not some stupid price. so just got genuine. same as r34gtr or 350z
  3. yer if u could do dat that would ge grate. can u chuck in the bolts as well as mine s1 did not come with these bits from jap land how much u want of them?
  4. would u happen to have the arm holders that are bolted to the pillar above ur head when ur sitting it the seat. not shore what they are called lol need the 2 rear 1s ok found a pic of what i need its highlighted in red rings http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=stageabits.jpg
  5. yer i have a clutch and flywheel with the motor i got of my mate so all good with dat part. the box i missed out on was a r32 gts4 for 200 owell he needed it gorn and i did not have all da info i needed
  6. ok cool cool will be getting that guys parts. shame i mist out on the gts4 box thow. owell more huntting haha
  7. haha yer i know what s1 is mine is the first pic. i not say that some 1 said that a s2 clutch pedal is no good no 1 say or not if it will fit easy. was told to get a 34 gtt pedal and master cylinder. i was asking about the s2 as i have 1 lined up to buy and not want to get the wrong 1 that's all
  8. i would like some as well haha. were can i get some ccfl so i can give it a go my self?
  9. haha yer its a rs4v 25det at the moment. changing to 33gtst brakes later on till i find some 33 or 34 gtr. so ur saying that the s2 stagea clutch pedal and master cylinder are no good to me? and would be better of chasing down a r34gtt? shame i just missed out on a cheap 32gts4 box.
  10. yer i have read the top form post befor. i should also let u know i have a s1 rs4 if that will make things a little different or not? i was planning on getting a s2 pedal box , clutch master cylinder and line. would i still need the gtr brake booster? and need to recess the master back? being that i am also fitting a 26
  11. still got the Std Rb26 AFMs? and whats the lowest u will take for them? plus shipping to perth
  12. not shore if u have worked it out yet but any how yes u can get it to work but u will have to run ur rb20 coil packs and injectors. as 20s run a ignition module when 25s have it in there coil packs. also u wont have the vvti working there as 20s dont have that cam gear as for clutch + flywheel dont see why u would have a prob as i am using a vl auto behind my 25 in my vl. also using a rb20det loom, coil packs but with a e6x ecu i am able to use the 25 injectors as i can tune more with the e6x. u might be able to use the injectors as well but not shore with a stock ecu. as far as i know the plugs are different. most rb parts can be used between motors any how back to the awd 25det motor i will be taking mine out of my s1 stag soon to be replaced with a R motor but not shore how much of a hurry u are in or where u are located
  13. hi all i need some info from people that have made there stags man. i am also fitting a R motor as well i have seen the forms telling u whats involved but i want to know what ever will give me trouble. i have been told this so far the box tunnel is different to the auto. so man box wont fit straight in and hand brake as well s2 man pedal box is different to s1 and wont just bolt in some thing to do with the awd censer not fitting right cred in perth was telling me i need a half cut to get body parts off to fit it all i not want it to be doggy done but done good and right
  14. some more pics of it in and done http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=11022012513.jpg http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=11022012512.jpg http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=11022012511.jpg http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=11022012510.jpg
  15. some pics of my pod phttp://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=06022012508.jpg http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=06022012507.jpg http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=06022012506.jpg http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/?action=view&current=06022012505.jpg
  16. haha my s1 came form jap land with a set of them on hks33 looks a lot better with out the roof racks would like to see how that looks as well if it will fit the s1 as well. even a twin gauge pod. will prob get the clock replacement pod later
  17. yer i know all of that but a 260rs will not have a 34R motor in it. plus i like the s1 i have now. i am not after a full track car but some thing i can use every day but have some go when i want
  18. yer just got mine back for the second try looks good. i got mine done in a gray to mach the pillar not the exact color but as close as they could do urs looks good fgjoh little better done than mine
  19. i have my pod getting covered with vinyl will put some pics up when i get it back. i had to send it back to them as they got a apprentices to do it and he put a nic right near the front and the gauge was not able to cover it. shame it was good other wise
  20. i have my pod getting covered with vinyl will put some pics up when i get it back. i had to send it back to them as they got a apprentices to do it and he put a nic right near the front and the gauge was not able to cover it. shame it was good other wise
  21. its anoying as i have parts waiting for me to buy but not know what to do and not want to stuff the guys around
  22. ok need to know been getting told by cred that the the auto tail shaft will not fit the gtr man. true or not? also they are telling me that i have to change the tunnel wall and bit of the fire wall to make it all fit well. was told that i cant just bolt in the motor and box fit the ecu and loom, hand brake stuff like that as it will just look all doggy and not work well. and some thing to do with the awd censer wont sit right and not work right. was trying to see about the auto staying in and they said need to get a s15 auto computer ( the 1 that runs the box not motor ecu) and put that together with the 33gtr ecu and loom.
  23. yer prob will do Jason as i not really want to pay a stupid price for a console. was kinda hoping some 1 was working on a mod for a console that u could just buy and fit. yer doing brakes later just getting parts together for the R motor. have a s2 peddle box and clutch master cylinder coming soon. what about the tail shaft? will the auto 1 fit or is it like a Holden commodore and man and auto are different?
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