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Everything posted by whitenight27

  1. ok cool cool thanks kiwiRS4T will do the m/c later when i do brakes. sweet as Fgjoh i will prob have to get a s2 auto center console as the s1 is a little diff and will prob be harder to mod
  2. Haha ok. yer prob the same as what a safc neo and removing the boost cut could do. I was thinking emanage but no 1 in Perth can and will tune them. Any how changing to R motor soon as i get all i need. Not in a hurry to do it at the moment that's why i looking for some small bits to make the 25 a bit better
  3. just wondering is the auto and man brake booster the same or will i need that as well?
  4. what is the difference between the mines ecu and a stock auto 1?
  5. any info on how to modd it Jason? it not look to bad at all
  6. yer how much dose a man stag console go for? and where can i get. i am kinda removing the 25 for a 26 so prob not need to do the wire thing. thats what every import place is telling me about getting a 260rs bar lol. also how hard u guys think it would be to keep the auto with the 26? i will need a custom loom and prob after market ecu as the 26 one will prob not be able to talk to the stock auto half
  7. hi i am after s1 260rs parts need any thing to do with changing my auto to man and also wanting a front bar
  8. hi i am after s1 260rs parts need any thing to do with changing my auto to man and also want a front bar
  9. dam will try make it for this 1. still waiting on my pod hope to get this week. good luck with ur wedding
  10. thort u would get around 2k for it lol. any how need things like peddle box console hand brake and cable any thing i would need to change my auto 2 man
  11. haha true true too much boost. i shore goodo thinks its worth what his asking for. the extra 1000 is because its a r34gtt and not a older r33 motor. for 1 the turbo is a lot better than the 33. the 34 turbo can run little more boost and has a bigger rear housing but still responsive 33 turbo has a ceramic compressor wheel while the 34 turbo has nylon compressor wheel and better for hi-flowing i will just say don't think u will ever get a 34gtt motor ecu and piping for 1500. r33gtt yer no probs 34 will have low ks and a lot newer motor than a 33 rb25
  12. all well and good but its still a 34gtt motor still going to be around 2k
  13. most half cuts go for 2500 ( r33 ) but not stagea half cuts. u say 1500 but thats for a r33 motor, box ect not a s2 awd stagea that has a r34gtt rb25. price is good i think
  14. no the rwd and awd front sway bar are different http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/371762-c34-sway-bars/ awd can use r33 gtr for the front
  15. what do u have left? i need to start getting man bits for when i drop in the 34r motor
  16. yer the n/a 1 is what i am after the black and red badge haha thats not my car but another in perth. it has the original gtr front (twin headlight)
  17. yer i know i was talking with nissan about it there is 3 types of the center badge. the 1 i want is this http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o481/Robert_Jackson30/
  18. if they where 18s or 19s and a better offset i would be intro. good rims thow hope u sell
  19. hi i am after a stagea double unicorn center grill badge. my stock grill did not come with 1 and i have a after market grill on but looks a little plain and needs something in the middle
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