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Everything posted by The_Paladin

  1. i'd say that getting the keys stolen is a good bet, or carjacked.
  2. true that. the laptop suits me a lot more though. i'll sacrifice specs/$$ for mobility
  3. Hi guys, Just about to get this badboy. www.bestdeal4u.com.au/laptop1of3/index.html#g51j i7 + GTX260M should do the job nicely without breaking the bank What's everyone else running at the moment? whats your experience been?
  4. 34 gt-t vs r32 gts-t that one was my fave. I thought 'what would win, X vs Y' posts were a ban-able offence? i'm being serious too.
  5. A GTiR is not a sleeper. I think people are missing the point with the idea of getting something that people dont know about (ie, Q45, Aristo, obscure imports etc) therefore they'll think its slow. Thats not the way to do it. You'll still attract cop attention, anyone who knows anything is going to see you coming a mile off. unless you're trying to trick mum's in Patrols etc. If they dont know what it is, then they will be open to expect anything. you'll stick out too much. The key is, is to make a sleeper out of something people *think* they know about. Ie, people think Daihatsu's/Cameira (grreat suggestion!)/Volvo's are slow etc. thats where you'll get your surprise and safety from cops and would be thief's. Also, surprised i didnt think of it. But a really good alternative to the V8 Volvo, is getting either a 960 or S90 which is the mid 90's large RWD sedan. Stock, its a 3l DOCH inline 6cyc . over-engineered like all volvos are to take a lot more than they handle. A lot of people in Sweden are putting twin turbo kits on it and are getting good results. Knowledge on how to etc, is all online and equipment available from Europe. its a common thing overseas but i've never heard of a modded one in australia getting about.
  6. I think a good 50% of people on here miss the point of a sleeper. An Evo, chaser, R31 (nowadays) etc, isnt a sleeper. Anything imported Q45 etc is going to be assumed by anyone with half a brain about cars to have had something done to it, at the very least been driven by a car fan. Datsuns are modded a lot too, so no surprises there. Tureno? you're joking right?? has anyone ever pulled up next to one and thought it was just an old banger? Volvo is a good start, and the 240/740's etc are fantastic. Volvo's are invisible to cops. I use to drive a 740 and once went past a cop with a gun doing 60kmph in a 40 zone and didnt get pulled over. It wasnt a busy road either. It you want to be different. Get a late model 850 AWD wagon and put 'R' goodies in it. The engines are designed to be turbo'd (or you could just get the R/T5 engine which already has one on it) and there's a lot of european aftermarket stuff out there for them. if you want something that's straight speed, why not go completely left field? What about a Daewoo Lanos, Ford Festiva, Kia etc? I spose the drive train would need a hell of a lot of work to take any amount of stress but you have to admit, no one would see it coming.
  7. Asides from the jobs of the honest man and the suppliers, if Holden went down, nothing of value would be lost. Seriously. Their cheap cars cannot compete with the Japanese and their expensive ones cant with the Europeans. GM is a dinosaur that should have died in the iceage. I've got no sympathy for a company that willingly puts a blindfold on and pretends that the world dosent change. GM/Holden's death is inevidable, better now than later. the only way Holden can survive is a complete change in direction. And remember as well. no commodore drivers = safer roads.
  8. Another Australian killed on the road. no more or no less tragic than the other 100's that die every year. Hopefully this will sound a note to many young people who think they're the shit behind the wheel. even the experts are never fully in control. RIP Brock.
  9. they're not going in any worse direction that any other car company is going in...............
  10. It was said before that commodores and falcon's are in a class of their own and that there's nothing to compaire them too. i'd definatly agree to that. i'd also like to add that australia is the only country with a car buying market and government that is ignorant/naive/stupid/tasteless/irresponsible (choose one) to invest so heavly in these cars. only america is in more denial about the current fuel crisis and overpopulation of cars. and even then, governments like the one in california have strict emission laws and hybrid quotas. Family Sports Sedan. that just dosent mix (ok, family sedan works ). mix any combination of those words and it just dosent work............the closest thing to that working i guess would be BMW's sports sedans, but even then i was reading in the paper on the weekend that the previous gen 318i's could get beaten by toyota echo's. M5's etc are pretty much luxury limo's rather than sports cars........ It tries to do all and it fails in all. it lacks performance (mainly in the form of handling, but also size, ride, weight and looks) to be called a good sports car and it lacks the reliability and fuel efficiancy to be a good family car. Real car companies know what they're aiming their cars to be. a Commodore tries to be a bit of everything and ends up being nothing. that is why it will ultimatly fail. if you want to drive fast, buy a sports car. if you want to move your family around buy a reliable family car. if you want to drive fast while moving your family around you are a dickhead who should never have gotten a licence in the first place *end rant*
  11. you dont need handleing at the lights, which is where your adverage commodores power is expressed.
  12. it's not a big leap from the VZ at all.............the base models have the same trans and engine! it just has more factory rice. the VZ was holden testing out that trans and engine to find its faults at the owners expense.
  13. i work in salvage vehicles.................when it's released i'm going to post a poll on SAU on when the first written off one comes in. i reckon 11 days.
  14. i think the journo's are on payroll i wonder if they'll point out how the Alloytech was released in the VZ (which is just a VY with a new engine) rather than being saved for the VE because they wanted to test the technology to iron out the bugs so the VE wouldnt be a disaster if they got something wrong, it's going to be exported after all Using the (gullible) car buying public of australia as a substitute to correctly testing engines. Drive on Australia.
  15. camary probbaly the best value for dollar for basic transportation costs. low on fuel, reliable, cheap to insure. as long as a big ego dosent set you back you'll be fine.
  16. agreed. price is the first thing you should talk about, you can talk about price on the phone but you cant see the car in person...........if you agree on price, then you should take it to the next step, taking the time to see the car. if it fits a standard worthy of your price it is then purchased. if the standard is well below that advertised, either walk away or come up with another offer of price pointing out that the sellers advertising was not mentioning problems etc. if you think someone is a time waster because the first thing they talk about is price.......than you'll wiping out a lot of potential buyers and you invite joy riders.
  17. yep! locally delivered! the australian government actually dosent mind them being here!
  18. mmmmm.........probbaly going to get flamed for this. but i dont dissagree with what the OP is doing. i've lived in australia and the UK and yes, the car market is very different. Cars in Australia are overpriced. Australians are suckers when it comes to car prices. they pay more for cars new than a lot of other markets (the GTO is a famous example) and that filters down to strong 2nd hand prices. A lot of people when selling privately a car do not know its value, do not understand depriciaton and in fear of getting ripped off (or prehaps pride, i'm not sure) they put an inflated price tag on it. In blunt, they're not carsales men but that's what they're trying to do. you're not going to get back close to what you paid for a car if you purchased it a while ago. After unsuccessfully selling the car at their price, they usually give up in frustration and let it go for a lower cash price or they trade it in for even less. in buying and selling, the opposite happens too. when buying a car (or house etc) people get frustrated at all the time and effort shopping and not finding what they want at the price they want so they give up and purchase something thats not suitable or not at their original price ideals. Real Estate agents have a name for this. I think it's respectful to inform the seller straight up that you are not prepaired to pay his asking price and put in an offer straight away. saying your budget straight up is a good way of not wasting anyones time. if someone is selling their R33 for $20K and all they get are offers of $15k, then sooner or later that's what they're going to have to accept or they should take the car off the market. Skylines are overpriced. Reeeeealy overpriced. I think they're absolutly fantastic cars in original condition but here's the reality. R32's are upto 17 years old. R33's are not much younger. people are asking $20k for cars of that age and they're nissans. BMW M3's are going cheaper than GTR's of the same age. These cars have no real dealer support from Nissan Australia. These cars are the dregs of Japan, many crashed, many with the odo's fiddled, many rebirthed. the crap that gets let in is unbelievable. the service histories (if present) are dodgy and not in english. A disproportinate number of skylines in australia are stolen, rebirthed or accident repairs. Many have been flogged by their drivers, either on the road or track. Skylines are strongly targeted by police for defects and other things (or so members of this forum say). the insurance on them is extortion because so many are crashed and stolen. Parts are rare and repairs expensive. When you buy a Skyline you really do roll the dice. the bottom line, is for what you're getting, for what you have to put up with, to what you have to pay for. skylines are not worth the prices that many ask for them. great cars, but i dont think they're worth it. Go buy a mid 90's BMW or a Volvo T5R or something.
  19. QUOTE(RCEBNR @ 26 Jul 2006, 10:55 PM) If milk and juice only come in 2 litres then whats V8? A giant sack of goon nah it's veggie juice
  20. Why does a ute need to go fast? is the tradie going to be late for work or something? so it's the best of the worst. australia dosent make sports cars. correct, however most of joe public isnt as car savy as most on SAU and dont realise this. the women who buy or infulence the purchase of such vehicles precieve them to be safe because of their size. Safty (even though there is a lack of) is one of the main reasons consumers listed for purchasing a 4WD, i read that in some RACQ thing ages ago.
  21. so it's a ford?
  22. what type of car is it?
  23. Because it's not upto scratch as a serious sports car and it's way to overpowered for a standard family car. it tries to be both and becomes neither. it's a lost car for people who think they can have the best of both worlds. Seriously, the problem facing the 6cyc RWD family car in Aus, is that the market who use to buy those cars, now buys and loves 4WD's, they love them a lot more than the sedans they'd use to buy. luxury 4WD's didnt exist pre early 90's. back then they were actually built to go offroad. now they're decked in luxury and the ride hight and drive appeal to families. they are precieved as safe (even though they're deathtraps) and are more effective at towing than a commodore. the bottom line is, is that many people who use to buy commodores dont buy that type of vehicle any more. when holden and ford realise this and stop investing crap loads of money into these cars, then they wont have so many headaches.
  24. i didnt think they did that. even if they did, it wouldnt be marketed as an everyday vehicle. prehaps in the land of Autobahns it's not so pointless as something like a HSV
  25. I wasnt aware that BMW markets the M5 as a family car. infact, it dosent market the 5 series as a family car at all, they market it as a business/company car......................Seriously Professional.........
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