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Everything posted by TREGTR

  1. Bikies today SAU members tomorrow. Read article to see how draconian legislation is attempted to be made: http://www.skynews.com.au/topstories/article.aspx?id=926343&cid=BP_RSS_TOPSTORIES_3_LaborwalksoutonQldbikielawdebate_201113 Campbell Newman and ignorance of the constitution (the only document giving us any implied rights) seem to go hand in hand.
  2. To be honest a value would depend on colour, year model, whether a v-spec or not. Unfortunately, with the things mentioned above that are wrong, especially the motor, the answer is it could cost you big dollars to repair and may be a better financial proposition to sell as is. More info as above needed to give you an idea though.
  3. So did this guy
  4. Kath - Dubchick95 - I think of dub step with your new username ^^^^ Very cool
  5. Buy built..
  6. True, but all the uninsured ones will still need to be repaired. When the hail storm hit Sydney a few years and coated everything - they were all booked solid for 3 months with jobs
  7. You'd be surprised regarding RX2 stuff. I'd be up for this too Terry
  8. JEM - Ingleburn
  9. The problem with this is that it is a guide only not the law, which makes it highly interpretive. Best advice, check with engineer before treating this guide - VSI 06 - as the final word on the matter.
  10. It would be of great value to you, if you put the cars Japanese VIN and Aus Compliance VINS posted here. That way anyone doing a fast via SAU and not seeing this post will see this and let you know. Providing they try and sell the car.
  11. ^ Further explanation required?
  12. Old 20-10-2012, 11:06 PM #47 NX74205 Regular Member NX74205's Avatar Join Date: Oct 2008 Location: Perth, WA Posts: 417 Default Re: Anti Hoon Laws Unconstitutional -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a big, big difference between a 'privilege' and a 'right'. The ability to hold a driver's licence is a 'privilege'. The ownership of property is a right. I'm arguing for no more than the protection of the rights of all citizens and the basic jurisprudential principle of the rule of law. By all means, take away a convicted hoon's privilege of being able to operate a vehicle on public roads, but their property rights are indissoluble and inviolable. Punishment is about the removal of privileges. It is not about arbitrarily removing the rights of others. English jurist John Locke wrote in The Second Treatise of Government that "whenever the legislators endeavour to take away and destroy the property of the people ... they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any further obedience ..." The confiscation of motor vehicles for hooning offences is not a just law, and natural law principles dictate that when a law is not a just law (i.e. not founded on moral justice), then it is no law at all. __________________ Current car: 2005 Ford BF Fairmont, lightning strike (2006-present) Previous cars: 1989 Ford EA Falcon GL, winter white (2000-2007) 1982 Ford KA Laser Ghia, blue (1999-2000) QFT ^^
  13. 25. People who don't learn how to reverse park their over sized suv/4wd, take freakin ages doing it and still fail to park properly. 26. People who don't wave after you've given them space to change lanes, pull out of driveways, side streets, etc in traffic. Unappreciative twats. 27. People doing under the speed limit in a T2 lane with no passengers in peak traffic. 28. People sitting in your blindspot constantly when merging into a 1 lane, clearly knowing they have to back off so you can merge, but decide to at the last second within inches.
  14. Definition of a keeper
  15. 21. Jamming the passenger door into the ground then getting into the car, putting more weight on the side of the car and jamming the door deeper, then pulling hard just to get it unstuck. Extra nasty if the door is stuck against the concrete sidewalk 22. Dragging shoes and bags over the door sill plate, door trims and glove box lid while getting into the car Technically this ones an IQ test: Jamming the seat belt buckle into the centre console since they can't be bothered looking where the clasp is This ones for the druggies out there: Playing with sun visors or power windows non stop 23. Dragging stuff over the boot loading lip or bumper bar while loading and unloading 24. Not closing the windows when exiting someone else's car.
  16. This is why car manufacturers really supply tyre irons (for other driver adjustment) in the boot lol
  17. Solution is to surfboard wax the message on their windscreen. The inconvenience of getting that off will teach them not to be lazy lol
  18. This is why you should keep used spark plugs in the centre console lol
  19. Yes Coke matt paint job works too lol
  20. 20. People with long fingernails and rings that scratch the door handle paint when getting a lift.
  21. Good to hear. I always hate that aspect of hail storms, but panel beaters love it.
  22. All cars ok?
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