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Everything posted by TREGTR

  1. Per week. Although I'm guessing this is a meal price?
  2. Put a price on happiness
  3. Oh yeh! You know you want to rofl
  4. And they never say sorry
  5. GTS later turned into RB26/30 yep!
  6. 5) then lose health 6) resign due to I'll health 7) sell car to pay for dr bills 8) start all over again
  7. That's why I said a personal loan and not a car loan
  8. Good doctor's are hard to find! Our extremely expensive private obstetrician left placenta in my wife post c-section and kept telling her it was c-section pains and giving her pain killers. We took her back for another opinion as she went grey, and wolla dr useless had left some in. He then nearly crapped himself when he found out I was a lawyer. Big discount applied. Anyway, I rant...
  9. Why not get a personal loan and buy a Skyline?
  10. That's commitment. You'd have to be careful with injuries too then?
  11. Full credit to him. I bloody hate needles. I faint every bloody time and I know this sounds pathetic too!
  12. Life long. Warferin thins blood to stop clots forming, which can move and kill a person.
  13. Shit Mel that's full on. I'm sorry to hear that, warfarin is not fun, but then again I suppose clots forming is much much worse.
  14. DVT, As in blood clotting?
  15. Where's ya [sic] bin?
  16. Yes, Yes I am lol
  17. Nah Sprinkles has been founded. Laser beams to the above ^^
  18. Ok then... I'm Sprinkles (I'm nothing if not a team player) But let the record show... It sounds like a bit of a roller derbiest name - namely, full of fruit lol
  19. But I really like DILLIGAF
  20. I like Sally, it sounds prettier lol
  21. Names are overrated on forums Mate is fine
  22. Either there is massive hypercondria up there. Or coded conversation is being had???
  23. Not even remotely 4 means chews grass and produces milk lol
  24. No blouse would hold that it'd look like a Bin liner and nobody eats out of.... Lol
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