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Everything posted by Ska

  1. Yeah WTF were you doing? I was trying to catchup to MJ I said it once and I'll say it again 90% of AUSTRALIANS CAN NOT MERGE! Bah had to swerve in front of that Z4 to frigging miss collecting a 4x4 stupid thing!
  2. Yeah HUGE thanks Spectrix, awesome work, I LOVE IT! Cant wait till Nex/Spec post some pics, I am tre happy, SUPER HAPPY FUN TIME!
  3. Welcome, strutto will be cheering you as he has a 4 door too, welcome to your new addiction
  4. Bah I'm outta here before that happens! Have a good night whoreing!
  5. yupp my 3am effort last night owl hunting has left me buggered! Your huge whore effort last night was nothing but stupendous!
  6. Well just got home, cant wait to get my HULK green brakes tomorrow so I'm off to sleep! night all!
  7. Hey Nex you got a TV there at umart? just watched the highlights of the V8 supersnores and it wasnt too bad of a show, usually it's like watching a freight train, very borning but todays race was quite eventful, if worse comes to worse we could watch them? Anyway I'll see yas all tomorrow! Cant wait to HULK up my brakes
  8. Or if you drop your car off, I can drop you round where ever you need to go and then pick you up, I dont mind, but you'll have to PM me or post a message soon as i will be gone from about 8:30am tommorrow morning so PM or post and we'll work something out!
  9. Warwick, email him, same thing happened to me I though he forgot bout it so afetr 2 weeks emailed him asking where they were, and then within 2 days got them in express post
  10. I wondered why you were wearing a dress last night BAhH aH AHHAhAhaah AHhAH AH AHhaHAhHAHaHhaHAhA!
  11. Problem with text is that it is not emotive enough, one sentance could be read by several different people and mean to them several different things, depending on thier mood. Would have loved to see the original post though can you pm it to me?
  12. Ska

    Meet/Cruise Nights

    Edit: Ahem, you didnt see no post ere
  13. I havent had the need to even bother with boostcruising, they might be good, but SAU has contained all the information I have ever needed, and had more than enough great people here to help me out, so why look else where? I am not saying BC is good or bad, just never had the need to look there that's all ^ | My 2c worth
  14. Its a $2 chain of stores, like "Crazy Clarks" "Silly Sollies" "The Warehouse" It sells all manner of things imported from china, everyong is made in china and usually cost no more than $5. HEAP of crap you can buy there, heaps of it cause The Warehouses are usually _HUGE_ and they are scattered all over the place.
  15. Hey pred, if you or Nex want any, the warehouse is open on sundays and they sell the cheap stuff for $3 always, so I'll get grab a can for myself, brb.
  16. did you get that right front fog light sorted?
  17. I've got some old black car wax, wondering how good that would work, defiantly keep it black for a while
  18. Cool well yeah I just want my tyres black for the photos after the caliper painting session tommorrow, not really worried about keeping themblack, yeah for $3 what can you expect, I guess maybe 1 or 2 days before it wears off You still want some, cause it'll probably be next thursday we see each other, plenty of time for you to drop into a warehous somewhere and grab some.....?
  19. Well I'm off to buy some cheap tyre blackener from the warehouse, Nex you want any, they are $3 a can
  20. Yeah it was the spur of the moment thingy will add you to my msn
  21. Yeah I didnt see it happen but apparently an owl flew out in front of John, and he hit it on his righ sideof the front bar, didnt do much damage we could see last night.
  22. BAH that means getting off my lazy ass and actually do something, might just go back to sleep, mmMMmmMMmm sleep is good
  23. Was a very fun night actually, better than I expected it to be Funny bit was when john was heckling these 14 year old girls, yelling out "Petrol Station Skanks" while Mat (mindflux) was trying to pick them up, oh the irony! priceless, absolutly priceless!
  24. I might pop down then, I got nuthin better to do................. and I am very bored! If you couldnt tell
  25. What do you mezn, it swung it's head out of no where, no one else swerved I just thought there was enough innocent animal blood spilt last night, At least we payed our homage and flew the ariel at half mast and had our moment of silence in respect, BUT Still john you really should have stopped and found it, AND EAT ITS HEART TO GAIN ITS SOUL!
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